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    Save Me, My Lover. – (Chapter: Four)


    Save Me, My Lover

    Chapter Four


    When I woke up, it was nearly two o’clock in the afternoon. I was still only in my bra and panties. My head slowly moves away from the warm pillow as I gaze over at the clock. It takes me a while to realize that Ashley isn’t beside me. My arm lands on the other side only to meet an empty bed space. I quickly get up. “Ashley?” I call out, concerned.


    I push the covers away and move around to find clothes. Once I toss a t-shirt and a pair of shorts on, I head out. I scratch my head, attempting to recall last night. God, I am so hung over. I told you that I shouldn’t drink….it always ends up bad.


    I walk into the living room and there is no Ashley anywhere in sight. Fuck, she must have left for work or something.


    I plop down on our couch and sigh. Actually, it’s more like a groan but whatever. It takes me a little while before I can actually start recalling the events of last night, but I finally do. Fuck, fuck….fuck, fuck, and fuck. It’s not like I can give Ashley another excuse…I mean, unless I can think of a really good one.


    I cringe.







    I guess I eventually went back to the bedroom and fell asleep because some time later, I was being woken up by my girlfriend. She wasn’t being rough with me or anything; she was just lightly shaking me, telling me to wake up. I groan, still half-sleeping. I open my eyes and I see a blurry version of her. It takes a couple seconds before it clears up.


    “Hey,” I whisper ever so softly. I’m acting like a wounded animal or something.


    “I brought pizza home,” she comments, and she doesn’t even wait for a response…she just turns around and starts out the door.


    “Wait,” I tell her. She stops in her tracks and turns to face me. “Ashley, please don’t be like this.”


    “Don’t be like what?” She questions. “I keep trying with you and I get nowhere. You won’t talk to me. You lie to me. You scream at me for no reason. You go out and get drunk, and then you come home and practically force yourself on me. What am….”

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    1. finally she fessed up! now comes the aftermath… I really hope ash stays sane about the whole thing and doesn’t do something she’ll regret. fantastic update, pms!

    2. *sigh* finally she told Ashley… hmm, im anxious for the next update. I think Ashley should beat the shiz out of the girl who raped Spencer lolol. Very sad chapter. Pms!

    3. good update i’m glad spencer finally told ashley now ashley needs to be there for spencer and beat the girls ass who raped should do one in ashley point of view.pms please

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