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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 34 – You can never have it all)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 34 – You can never have it all


    The mess hall – 3 ½ weeks in…


    We’re sat at our table; our plates staked high with our favourite breakfast foods. And in my case, I had food that just shouldn’t be eaten together, but hell I’ve got a stomach of steel when it comes to my favourites.

    The conversation on the table is non-existent, as we have learned that you have to eat your food, before some annoying interruption occurs. Well Spencer and I learnt the lesson; the girls were just doing it to get the food done their necks. They have some thing, where they time themselves, to see how long it takes them. They could be so gross sometimes.

    Oh I managed to get Spencer’s issues out in the open, well after we went another bump and grinding round; fully clothed of course. She’s much more willing to spill, when she’s in a state of euphoria. Apparently she gets a made wave of mood swings the week before she’s due her monthly visit.

    When I thought about how she got all hot and bothered with me that morning, I started wondering what she did when Aiden was around. I mean I know that there was no sex involved with the two, but that doesn’t exclude the oral and shit.

    So yeah I asked and she said that what happened that morning with us was the first time she’s ever felt like that. She said that normally she just snaps and bitches everyone out, which would explain why Aiden had accused me of running away early that day. Stupid prick.

    Looking down at my nearly empty plate, I see that I only have half of pancakes left. From the corner of my eye I can see that Spencer has a piece of crispy sausage just lying there on her plate; looking all lonely. In a flash my fork is piercing the juicy piece of pork and then shoving it in my mouth.

    Moaning happily, I look up at Spencer. Her mouth is dropped, looking like she can’t believe I had just stolen her sausage. Then it was my turn for my mouth to drop. Spencer growled and grabbed the rest of my pancake and shoves it in her mouth; whole might I add.

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    1. Shucks! I was looking forward to whooping some ass too but here you go and update. Not that I’m complaining! Big confessions and what an outing! I can see Aiden being kinda pissed….come on, you know you’ve got some more updating in you…so pms!

    2. ok so the food stealing had me cracking up cuz i hate when ppl do that and the apple juice omg!!! if i had ben drinking something i would have runined my laptop lmao just awsome cant wait to see what glen and adien do…..have a feeling things are gonna get a bit crazy lol pms please! :D

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