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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: 1-Camp Westin)

    Ashley gets out of the car looking at the camp sign.

    "I thought you said I wouldn’t have to come here this year?"  She asks turning to her mom.

    "Well you thought wrong.  I can’t have you alone at the house while I am in Italy with Theo.  We will be gone for the whole summer so this is the perfect place for you."

    "I could stay home, I am almost eighteen." 

    "Well you act like a three year old and you have shown me that I cannot trust you."

    "It was just a few parties!"  Ashley protest not believing that her mom is bringing that back up.

    "A few parties my ass.  You had one almost every week and when you were not having parties you were doing god knows what."  Whatever.


    "You better head in, check in is almost over."  Ashley sighs and gets her bags out of the back.  "Goodbye sweetheart, I will see you in August."  Her mom waves as she gets into the car and races off.

    "See ya."  Ashley mumbles as she walks towards the meeting hall where sign in was.

    "Ashley Davies back again?"  Ted the head councelor asks.

    "Yeah yeah just tell me where my dorm is."

    "We have a few new rules this year."  He hands her some packets.  "You’re in 2C." 

    As she walks away she hears him shout, "Make sure to look over the packet."  Ashley walks into 2C and is surprised that no one else is around.  She starts to unpack when the door swings open.

    "I thought this place was too good for Ashley Davies."  A tall boy struts in and picks Ashley up and gives her a hug.  He tries to kiss her and she turns her head, his lips landing on her check.

    "Aiden we haven’t seen each other since last summer.  Lets catch up some before we jump back into a kind of relationship."  Aiden puts her back down.

    "But we always get back into our relationship during the summers.  Why is it so different this time?"  He asks.

    "Because a lot has happened and I am just not ready yet."

    "Alright, well I better head back to my dorm."  He runs out before she can reply. 

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