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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Remove the competition)


    “Go away Spencer,” I choked, the tears finally springing from my eyes as a sob wracked though me.  I didn’t understand what was happening to me, and the last thing I needed was her around me as I broke down.

    “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

    And suddenly her head was peering over the top of my cubicle, over the wall it shared with the one adjacent, looking down on me with warm and concerned eyes.

    “Wanna talk about it?”


    I didn’t want to talk about it.  I didn’t want to talk about it to the point I decided to take the rest of the day off work.  By the time I’d gotten rid of Spencer and had left the cubicle I was residing in to return to the office, my colleagues had already left in favour of the conference room where Spencer was no doubt filling them in on her ‘amazing’ coke plans.  The worst part was that I truly believed that they most likely were amazing, and I wished I could have heard what I’d apparently ‘inspired’.  But I couldn’t stay, so I picked up my bag and coat and had left without a word.

    I spent the rest of the day wallowing in my apartment, overfeeding my fish, playing depressing music to the point I could no longer stand it, and planning my revenge on Aiden.  The argument we’d had had only exacerbated my desire to sabotage the bet, and if I couldn’t do it by telling Spencer about its existence, then I’d just have to find a way to inform the competitors that it was cancelled.  But because I didn’t know who was actually in on it, I knew it’d be a lot harder than it sounded.  I called in sick the following morning and only made my way into the office after working hours were over, knowing that no one would be around as no one in the department was scheduled to stay after work on a Friday.

    I entered the lift, swiftly exiting upon my arrival on the tenth floor, and let myself into the office, hitting a few lights on my way over to Aiden’s desk.  I switched on the computer and as I waited for it to load up I spotted a file sitting on the top of a large pile of papers that sat messily to my right.  ‘Coke’ was apparent on its label.  I snatched it up, quickly opening it to thumb through the contents.  I’d been right, Spencer had worked hard after I’d left the office that day.  Pages and pages of storyboards had been drawn up, all smartly presented with her amazing aptitude for graphic design.  She’d even thought about a few taglines, one of which seemed to be more prominent than the others – Less carbonated… More sophisticated.  I smiled.  Very Spencer.  She’d managed to make what was essentially Coke’s idea of pushing a non-alcoholic alternative to wine, that wasn’t fizzy and that appealed to a more mature audience than Coca-Cola, sound appealing and look sophisticated.  My smile soon faded, however, when I discovered that Aiden’s computer was password protected, and that he’d changed it since I’d last logged on.  Shit!

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    1. she got away with it….for now. but everything has a way of catching up with us. its only a matter of time. ha i sound like spashley hater, im not i swear. i was just saying haha. anyways brilliant, as you always are. cant wait for another update :]

    2. Erm…crap. That sounded like one of those “perfect plans” that always end up backfiring. So I predict: Spencer finds out somehow, there’s a ton of drama like always, then there’s some forgiving going on even though spencer won’t want to, annd then they’ll end up together. But that’s just how things always go. Maybe you’ll come up with something more interesting.

    3. I don’t know. That was almost too easy. Maybe Ashley just needs to come clean to Spencer about her feelings and the bet? Great update, PMS!

    4. i love this story…Can’t wait till they are together….i hope Ashley tells Spencer about the PNG and Spenecr forgives her then they can be together….

    5. Oh thank goodness Carrie doesn’t have a brain. I just hope that she doesn’t somehow magically grow one…the “ah well” she sighed out at end sounded slightly ominous. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? Either way, loved the post.

    6. she got away with it….for now. but everything has a way of catching up with us. its only a matter of time. ha i sound like spashley hater, im not i swear. i was just saying haha. anyways brilliant, as you always are. cant wait for another update :]

    7. Erm…crap. That sounded like one of those “perfect plans” that always end up backfiring. So I predict: Spencer finds out somehow, there’s a ton of drama like always, then there’s some forgiving going on even though spencer won’t want to, annd then they’ll end up together. But that’s just how things always go. Maybe you’ll come up with something more interesting.

    8. I don’t know. That was almost too easy. Maybe Ashley just needs to come clean to Spencer about her feelings and the bet? Great update, PMS!

    9. i love this story…Can’t wait till they are together….i hope Ashley tells Spencer about the PNG and Spenecr forgives her then they can be together….

    10. Oh thank goodness Carrie doesn’t have a brain. I just hope that she doesn’t somehow magically grow one…the “ah well” she sighed out at end sounded slightly ominous. Maybe I’m just being paranoid? Either way, loved the post.

    11. I’m the 1st to comment? Wow. That’s cool. I think lots of other people should comment as well, even thoughg they didn’t get the honor of being first like I did. Heh :]

    12. I’m the 1st to comment? Wow. That’s cool. I think lots of other people should comment as well, even thoughg they didn’t get the honor of being first like I did. Heh :]

    13. Fucking great dude. You blow me away. And FIANLLY Carrie has been smushed like the low-life she is. I knew that girl was no good from the very beginning. Nicely done. PMS please. :] Please? I’ll be your best friendddd!

    14. Fucking great dude. You blow me away. And FIANLLY Carrie has been smushed like the low-life she is. I knew that girl was no good from the very beginning. Nicely done. PMS please. :] Please? I’ll be your best friendddd!

    15. “I’d really gotten away with it.” Boy, Ash is pretty clever….I just hope things work well and don’t end up blowing apart. Anyways, that was a great chapter and loving how Carrie is getting the boot. PMS!

    16. “I’d really gotten away with it.” Boy, Ash is pretty clever….I just hope things work well and don’t end up blowing apart. Anyways, that was a great chapter and loving how Carrie is getting the boot. PMS!

    17. OMG! Go Ashley Go! I loved how she just scared Carrie into resigning on the spot. I hate that it sounded like Spencer was really interested in Carrie. But time will tell… But for the meantime, go Ashley! Love your story! PMS!

    18. OMG! Go Ashley Go! I loved how she just scared Carrie into resigning on the spot. I hate that it sounded like Spencer was really interested in Carrie. But time will tell… But for the meantime, go Ashley! Love your story! PMS!

    19. i commented elsewhere but I thought, just for the love of you, I’d… *deep breath*……… *Runs through this thread in revealing lingerie too*…. WHEEEEEE

    20. i commented elsewhere but I thought, just for the love of you, I’d… *deep breath*……… *Runs through this thread in revealing lingerie too*…. WHEEEEEE

    21. careful Clom, you’re gonna earn yourself a reputaion! And I should know – the title of being ‘easy’ is one I wear with pride, however I don’t think it suits YOU! big love, you exhibitionist, you! Jx

    22. careful Clom, you’re gonna earn yourself a reputaion! And I should know – the title of being ‘easy’ is one I wear with pride, however I don’t think it suits YOU! big love, you exhibitionist, you! Jx

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