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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 8)

    Ashley pulled up to my house.


    ‘Tell your parent’s I said hi.’


    ‘Yeah, sure. Thanks for the ride, Ash.’ I unbuckled my seat belt and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed for the door. I reached for my keys when I heard a loud honk.


    ‘Spencer’s HOT!’ Ashley said waving and packing out of the driveway.


    ‘You’re hotter!’ I said opening the front door and entering my house.


    ‘I know I’m hot.’ Mr. Carlin said smiling.


    ‘Your gross dad.’ I punched him in the arm as I settled my luggage on the floor.


    ‘Come here.’ He said hugging me and swinging me around.


    ‘Okay okay dad too much love. I need to unpack.’ I took my luggage and walked up the stairs to my room. ‘Ah, same as always.’ I said to myself and jumping onto the bed. Okay what to do what to do. Call Kim…yes I need to call her.



    Pick up pick up pick up.


    Damn it Kim pick up the damn phone.








    ‘Yes! Who’s is this.’ She said laughing.


    ‘Hey, it’s Spencer.’


    ‘What up, home girl.’


    ‘Please don’t say that. Your killing me.’


    ‘Haha okay, what’s up.’


    ‘You didn’t tell me you knew Ashley Davies.’


    ‘Oh, my bad, I’m supposed to tell you all the girls I know now.’


    ‘No nevermind. So when did you guys know each other.’


    ‘Know each other. We’re practically like sisters. We knew each other since elementary school. I knew she was into me but I didn’t like her back then. Why?’


    ‘She’s my girlfriend.’ I said holding my breath.


    ‘Shannon…I thought she was your girlfriend? Oh..spencer you’re messed up.’


    ‘I couldn’t break up with Shannon, but I couldn’t just leave Ashley.’


    ‘Damn, player what’s up with you.’


    ‘I don’t know. Just don’t tell Ashley that I was Shannon when I was with here.’


    ‘Don’t worry I will.’




    ‘Just playing. Sheesh spencer.’ She said laughing.


    ‘Just please don’t. Please. Please.’


    ‘Okay, okay.’


    ‘Thanks, Kim!’


    ‘Anytime. I’ll talk to you later I gotta go.’


    ‘Okay bye.’


    ‘Bye.’ And she hung up.


    That was easy. Hmm maybe a little too easy. Whatever. Whew only one girlfriend at a time, Spencer. No more Shannon. Just focus on Ashley. Ashley…


    1. Hmm. to short to predict what’s going to happen…. Um.. just a question but is Kim black? ‘cuz I’m picturing a black Kim…. all because My sister’s friend is black…. *reads her comment* might I add I’m not racist…. Love the story by the way…

    2. Hmm. to short to predict what’s going to happen…. Um.. just a question but is Kim black? ‘cuz I’m picturing a black Kim…. all because My sister’s friend is black…. *reads her comment* might I add I’m not racist…. Love the story by the way…

    3. That was way too easy for Spencer. Ashley is going to find out from Kim because Shannon is probably doing that guy….I don’t know, Ashley is going to find out somehow. Spencer should get her story straight and tell Ash that she was only worried about Shannon. She went to see her because they promised to be friend’s no matter what….and Shannon just made out with some Ken…of course she’d feel uncomfortable, so she left. Then, when Ash says “why didn’t you tell me”? Spencer can say that she didn’t want her to feel insecure. And she should say that she’ll always be there for Ash if they ever broke up. See?! (smiling) Turn it all around………but, then if Spencer just keeps lying she’ll dig herself into a deeper “hole”. I really like this story but, I hugh Spencer fan so seeing her be a player is sweet…..I’d love to be played by her…(throws myself on the bed)…I’d let her take advantage of me….(in my dreams) PMS I can’t wait to see what what happens next. Don’t mind me and my long comment. I’m at bored @ work:)

    4. That was way too easy for Spencer. Ashley is going to find out from Kim because Shannon is probably doing that guy….I don’t know, Ashley is going to find out somehow. Spencer should get her story straight and tell Ash that she was only worried about Shannon. She went to see her because they promised to be friend’s no matter what….and Shannon just made out with some Ken…of course she’d feel uncomfortable, so she left. Then, when Ash says “why didn’t you tell me”? Spencer can say that she didn’t want her to feel insecure. And she should say that she’ll always be there for Ash if they ever broke up. See?! (smiling) Turn it all around………but, then if Spencer just keeps lying she’ll dig herself into a deeper “hole”. I really like this story but, I hugh Spencer fan so seeing her be a player is sweet…..I’d love to be played by her…(throws myself on the bed)…I’d let her take advantage of me….(in my dreams) PMS I can’t wait to see what what happens next. Don’t mind me and my long comment. I’m at bored @ work:)

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