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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 5)

    It was about eleven at night when Ashley was on her way to her car from having been trying to interrogate a so-called witness for about two hours and now she was not happy in the least. Especially after the small amount of sleep she’d gotten, and the reason for her short sleep.

    (Earlier same morning)

    After she got home this morning she got about two hours of sleep before Aiden called and told her the chief wanted a meeting with them at noon. Ashley had been less than civil to Aiden for waking her like that and had mumbled something incoherent but Aiden was used to hear those words from her and just chuckled and answered.

    “Yeah, you say that but don’t let her hear you, remember your punishment from last time she was angry at you. Hell, you were stuck in the archives for three days doing nothing but cleaning.”

    “Yeah yeah, she’s just a fucking annoying bitch. I swear she’s got it in for me.” Ashley growled angry. Aiden just laughed at her angry tirade.

    “Well anyway see ya at noon. Bye girl! *MUAH*” Aiden hung up and Ashley threw her phone towards the wall, but not hard enough to break it. She sat on the edge on the bed and stretched her arms. With a big yawn, she lift her ass and farted then she rose to walk to the shower.

    Damn Aiden for waking me up! He’s so gay! ‘Bye girl *MUAH*’ another reason why I think he’s a closet homo! And damn him for waking me up from my dream! That dream I had was so hot and sexy I can almost taste it not to mention the taste of her. I do wonder if she tastes as sweet as her looks. Spencer, Spencer Carlin, that name didn’t really fit her somehow but she was nothing if not awfully cute and incredibly sexy. But at the same time she looked so fragile and innocent.” Ashley stepped inside of the shower and started the spray, she stood there and let the water pour over her and she continued to think of the blue-eyes beauty from early that morning.

    Her eyes were the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen, and her body was truly incredible, her cheekbone are soft but accentuated nonetheless. The hair looked like pure golden silk and those lips looked good enough to eat. I wish I could get a taste of those lips, hell I would like to taste all of her.” Ashley felt herself getting hot and wet by just thinking about Spencer.

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    1. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    2. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

    3. I am sooo glad that you posted another chapter. I can’t wait to see what will happen next. I hope that Ashley saved Kyla so that Kyla can tell Spencer and a cop named Ashley saved her life. PMS and GREAT WORK!!!!

    4. r they related in this story too and don’t even know it? Kyla is slow. Spencer told her not to go messin around, but look at her. she thought she was gonna get away with it, but she ain’t.

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