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    to hell we ride – (Chapter: leave me alone)

     Spencer  paced up and down. she had called ashley a dozen times and still there was no awnser. She was worried,more than worried distraught. ashley was pushing her away, little by little she was pushing Spencer away and they both knew it.all spencer could do was wait. she was lost. ashley was lost .she had no idea what to say, how to act. everything she did only seemed to push ashley away a little more. spencer was way out of her depth here and having a miniture panic attack.

    Ashley sat under the pier . her father would take her here when she was younger."and look what happened to him"she thought while staring at the dark waves as they rushed at the shore. her father had left her and now her mother was doing the same,how long until spencer follows the pattern.she gruffly snorted at this thought."no-one stays davies you should know that by now". she watched as wave after wave hit the beach and thought back to the times her father brought her to the very place she sat now.she wrapped her arms around her self   tightly curiously studying the small goosepumps which had appeared on her skin.cold and alone is what she felt,it was what she had felt almost her entire life. the only times she felt warm and alive were with Spencer and her father. he was gone and she was certain that spencer would  disappear from her life soon too. everyone did.  her father would tell her  when she was younger that the waves took away everything,wiped out anything in there path and that  is what she wanted at this exact moment….to be wiped out.




    1. Babygirl i love the update. Ashely needs to go to spencer and let her take care of her. This is no time for ashley to be without spencer. Wonderful chapter. PMS

    2. Babygirl i love the update. Ashely needs to go to spencer and let her take care of her. This is no time for ashley to be without spencer. Wonderful chapter. PMS

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