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    Making Up

    Ashley walks in the art studio and after Chelsea tells her she is going to go get some coffee. Ashley stands in front of Spencer very timid. "OK your upset and hurt, and I’m sorry, I know you think I was wrong Spencer, and maybe I was." She moves to sit next to Spencer on the small cot and turns her head to look her in the eye. It was hard for Spencer to listen to the words Ashley was saying because everytime she looked at her mouth all she could think about was kissing those shiny pouty lips. Ashley had no idea the effect she was having so she kept going.

    "But heres the thing, I was protecting you, and when it comes down to having a choice of being right or protecting you, I’ll be wrong every single time, because its just who I am." Spencer made a small smile towards her and reaches her left hand over to Ashley’s left knee. They look up at each other and smile. Ashley moves her left hand to Spencer’s face and pulls her in for a light kiss. And Spencer deepens it, between watching Ashley’s lips and feeling them on her own her head was spinning and she needed more.

    She moved her hand that was on Ashley’s knee and put it behind her neck and moved her other hand to the other side of her body to push them back. The cot was only big enough for one person to lay on so after a few failed attempts and a few bumps Ashley’s finally laid down at the top of the cot and Spencer was laying right on top of her with one of her legs pressed right against Ashley’s center. Ashley had her hands on Spencer’s ass and she was moving them up and down under Spencer’s skirt. Clothes were becoming a major issue so after Spencer pulled Ashley’s necklace over her head and Ashley pulled Spencer’s thin hoodie off of her they could barely continue their kiss. Spencer knew she needed to get out of her clothes now her white skirt was pulled all the way up around her waist and her yellow tank top was beginning to feel extra tight on her nipples. She pulled her tanktop off herself and Ashley followed her lead by unbuttoning the vest she was wearing.

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    1. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

    2. Very Hot! If I were Chelsea, I would’ve been pissed knowing their DNA is all over the cot. And if they’d do it there, Chelsea and Clay have, too. I’m OCD about my bed so don’t mind me. I love your posts. PMS please

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