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    Fame and fortune isn’t everything……at least fame isn’t! – (Chapter: 1-The beginning)

    While getting out of her car Ashley sees Spencer so she walks over and says "Hey, So are you doing anything tonight?" with a bright smile on her face. "No, I don’t think so, why?" Spencer replied with a confused look on her face "I’m doing a gig at Greys and I want you to be there."

    Thinking about if she had any plans later "um…..Sure, I’d love to" "Cool, so…… see you later?" and gave Spencer a kiss on the cheek. The bell rang and they set off in opposite directions.

    Later that afternoon

    Ashley sees Spencer again. "Hey baby, So you’re still going with me tonight, right?" with one eyebrow up, "Of course"

    "Ok well I’ll pick you up at 7"

    "Ok see you later,"

    "Oh wait do you want a ride home?" Ashley splurtted out,


    "No thanks, I’m going with Glen" and pointed to her brother in the parking lot, he was signaling her to hurry up.

    "Ok…..Well see you later" and Ashley turned around and headed for her car, got in and started the ignition.

    5 hours later

    Ashley drives up to Spencers driveway and puts the car in park. Walks up to the door and knocks. "I’ll get it" and it was Arthur who opened the door

    "Hey Mr.C" "Hi Ashley, Spencer’ll be right down" as he said that, Spencer was coming down the stairs. Ashley with an amazed look and her face, Spencer was wearing a nice dark blue dress and had her hair in loose curls. "Wow, you look nice" "You do too"

    And they stared walking out the door "Bye dad!" Spencer exclaimed, and gave her father a hug "Be safe honey" "ok, bye" and he shut the door.

    They both get in Ashley’s Porche and drove down to Greys. After about 15 min they reached their destination, walked in, and looked for a place to sit.


    "You want anything to drink Ashley asks "…waters good…." "ok I’ll be right back" Ashley was started heading toward the bartender, and she saw Aiden, standing in front of her in the line.

    "Ashley" Aiden said with a little surprised sound in his voice.

    "Hey Aiden, what are you doing here?"

    Just hanging, And you? Now turning to look at Ashley.

    "Oh, I’m doing a gig tonight."

    "Oh, and you didn’t tell me?" with a slight bit of jealousy on his face.

    "Sorry, well at least your here."saying it with an, I’m sorry look on her face.

    "Ok, well I have to get back to Spencer, see you later" and headed towards Spencer with a water in each hand.

    30 minutes later

    "Hey I gotta go on now so see you on stage" Ashley gave Spencer a peck on the lip and started heading backstage.

    Minutes later Ashley shows up on stage with a guitar, and sits down.

    "I wrote this song for someone really special" and looks straight at Spencer, Spencer started to blush. "So here it is."

    After she finishes she walks off stage.

    Spencer runs up to Ashley "That was so beautiful."

    Then a man in a navy blue blazer walks up to them.

    "Hello…………Ashley Davies? Hi I"m Richard Salmins from Sony Records and I really liked your singing, heres my card. Call me if your intrested for a record deal."

    and he walked away.


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