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    Gay Camp – (Chapter: Tricking Parents)

    "I can’t believe this!" Ashley paced back and forth in her room she wanted to scream she wanted to throw things she wanted to get really drunk and forget about this all together.

    "I mean I can BELIEVE this its Paula of course she would do this." She picked up a picture of her and Spencer and just stared at it. She had been in her room walking back and forth for 20 minutes after finding out that Paula was sending Spencer to a "Straighten Up" program. She put the picture down and sat on the edge of her bed with her face in her hands and she started crying she was so mad she didn’t know where to put all of this.

    She had tried to see Spencer and couldn’t even get through the door. Paula catching them was the worst possible way Spencer could have come out to her mom. They were going to tell her dad first and then her mom but things could not have gone worse. Paula ripping her out of Spencer’s room by her hair, and then throwing her out of the house without even a shirt on.

    Ashley crawled up on her pillow she knew Spencer loved her and yet she felt so alone like she was loosing everything. She was more mad at herself at how much this hurt her. This is why she didn’t let people get close to her she wanted to avoid her heart being broken when they leave her. She pulled her blanket over her and tried to make herself go to sleep. After hours of tossing and turning Ashley jumped up out of bed. It was almost as if lightning struck her brain she knew if she could just get this all to work out the way she wanted it would be ok.


    Spencer had tears dripping down her face as she packed her last bag. She was going to be gone for 4 months and she wasn’t aloud to have any visitors, and she had no idea what they were going to do to her. She had so many emotions she didn’t know which one to pay attention too she was hurt by her mom more than any amount of words could explain. She was angry with her dad for going along with this and not stopping her mom and she was worried about what Ashley would do because of all this. She couldn’t stop crying she had packed pictures of Ashley but her mom told her that they would be going through her suit case for anything she shouldn’t have and they would keep it she didn’t want to lose her pictures with Ashley so she unpacked them and just packed the teddy bear that Ashley got her when she got hurt thinking that if no one knew what it meant to her they wouldn’t care about a bear.

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