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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 5)

    Spencer jerked her head up fast, to fast, she massaged the new crick in her neck. Great… She reached up to her face and peeled a piece of paper off her features. It took her a moment to realize that she was sitting at her desk, in her office, in her comfy chair. Okay, Spence I know that the office is nice…but living here that’s a bit much. She searched her desk, her sapphire eyes falling first on the digital clock. It blinked 7:30 at her in big red numbers. She congratulated herself on her excellent timing as she realized she had awoken around the time she usually arrived at the office. The second thing her eyes found was the box of ‘Krispy Kreme’ Donuts and hot coffee. A hot pink sticky note was attached to the coffee. The blonde leaned over and snatched up the coffee so that she could read the note.

    Morning Sweetie!

    I got you your fav donuts and hazelnut coffee…Oh! There are clean clothes on the couch and the stuff on Points is somewhere on that desk.

    I’ll be back soon hopefully you can survive without me!

    Luv ya hun,


    Spencer chuckled and took a sip of her coffee, only to findthat it was still scalding hot. She gave a little yelp as the hot liquid burned her tongue. Great I can add this to my lists of pains… She turned the coffee around only to find a bright orange sticky note right in her face.

    p.s. hun it might be a bit hot…;-

    Spencer cursed and grabbed a bottle water off of her desk downing it in one gulp. Okay now to start the day…The blonde got out of her desk and stretched before heading over to the couch to get the clothes the note mentioned. She chuckled to see that Max’s excellent taste had done it again. The clothes were obviously new. Just bought this morning probably…I wouldn’t blame him for not wanting to my house…I’m not anxious to see my raging wife either…Spencer shuddered and picked up the ‘suirt’. That was the name Max and Spencer had chosen for the suits made for women. It started as a suit but soon magically transformed itself into a skirt. Spencer chuckled and headed out the door to the ladies room so she could prepare herself for the day to come.

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