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    Decisions – (Chapter: 2)

                Almost as if on cue, Spencer’s and Kyla’s cell phones started ringing at the same time.

                Kyla looked at her phone. “Aiden,” she said.

                Spencer looked at her phone. “Ashley,” she said. “Should we answer?”



                “I don’t know,” Kyla said. “I don’t wanna talk to Aiden.”

                “I’m not sure if I want to talk to Ashley or not,” Spencer said.

                “Then lets not answer,” Kyla said. She ignored the call and put her phone down. Spencer did the same.

                They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Arthur knocked on Spencer’s door and walked in.

                “Hi Kyla,” Arthur said. “How are you?”

                “I’m good, Mr. Carlin,” Kyla said.

                “Would you like to stay for dinner?” Arthur asked.

                “Sure,” Kyla said. “That would be great.”

                “Great,” Arthur smiled. “Dinner will be ready in about half an hour.”

                Arthur walked out of the room and started making dinner. Spencer sat playing with her phone.

                “If you want to call her,” Kyla said, “call her.”

                “What?” Spencer asked.

                “I can tell that you want to listen to your voicemail,” Kyla said. “To listen to what she had to say.”

                “Don’t you want to know what Aiden had to say?” Spencer asked.

                “Yes but I can wait,” Kyla said. “You on the other hand need to listen to that message now.”

                Spencer sighed and dialed her voicemail. She waited for the message to play.

                “Spence,” Ashley said softly, “you’re probably ignoring my call. I understand. I would probably do the same thing if I were in your shoes. Anyways I should probably get to the point. I’ve made my decision. I know it probably took longer than you would have liked. But I love you. I love you so much. I want you and only you. I love you and only you. I’m sorry for putting you through so much. Please call me when you get this. I love you.”

                Spencer hung up the phone and sat there.

                Kyla looked at her with curiosity. “What did she say?” she asked.

                “She chose me,” Spencer said. “She said she loves me and wants me to call her when I get the chance.”

                “Wow,” Kyla said. “Are you gonna call her?”

                “Eventually,” Spencer said.

                “Why not now?” Kyla asked.

                “You’re here and I’d rather talk to her alone,” Spencer said. “No offense or anything.”

                “I understand,” Kyla said. “It’s cool. I should probably go.”

                “No,” Spencer said. “You have to stay for dinner.”

                “Oh right,” Kyla said. “I forgot.”

                “Dinner should probably be ready soon,” Spencer said. “Lets head downstairs.”

                Kyla and Spencer walked downstairs and into the kitchen. “Hey girls,” Arthur said. “Dinner is almost ready. Spencer, will you set the table please?”

                “Sure, dad,” Spencer said. She grabbed the plates and silverware and set the table.

                Dinner went well and Kyla left afterwards. Spencer went up to her room and sat on her bed with her phone in front of her. She stared at it. She picked it up and dialed a number.










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