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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: La Tempeste)

    Whatever light was left was slowly dwindling by the time Spencer made it home. It was a reasonable trek out to her families compound anyway. Set outside the main city on Orlandio it was nestled into the hills, where her step father did some farming and generally helped to run the planet. To say her mother had married into the upper echelons of the church planets hierarchy was understating it a little. Not that it made Spencer any happy about it. Unlike her mother, she’d never been particularly concerned about appearances. Paula Carlin on the other hand, was a past master at making her family seem perfect.


    Widowed at a young age by her dashing, daring, fighter pilot husband she’d found refuge in this little backwater, with her three children. The war had forced a lot of people into doing things that they might never have otherwise thought of, but Paula Carlin had been a fighter from a young age. She knew what she wanted, and she was always going to get it. That being said, Spencer did adore her mother, despite their frequent arguments. Paula would do anything for her children out of nothing but sheer, mother born blinding love for them, and Spencer knew it.


    The war had wrought a lot of changes for them all. When the so called Unification War had come, Spencer’s father Arthur, always loyal and true, had volunteered almost immediately. Everyone thought the war would be over in weeks. The Alliance, or the main central planets having decided, with their sometimes lopsided logic, that everyone would be better off under one umbrella. A rather trite way of saying, join us or die. The Independent planets, less enamoured of this proposal than expected, said no. In their dashing brown-coats they’d made tenacious opposition.


    It had been won, eventually, with casualties on both sides numbering far too high for anyone to be happy with the outcome. On that list of casualties, one Captain Arthur Carlin.


    For Spencer, to whom daddy had been everything, it had been like the end of the world. For Paula Carlin it had been a blow from the unseen. For the boys, it had been devastation. Glen, who has always idealised his father’s amazing piloting skills, and Clay, who had just been grateful to be part of a family that cared about him, were just as lost as Spencer. And so Paula had hauled the halfway across the known planetary system to land them here, Orlandio.

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    1. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    2. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    3. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    4. “And he kisses like a dead trout” LMFAO, that just MADE my day. i laughed so hard. (we momentarily interrupt this comment session to state, OMG my mother has a dog carrier thing, one she straps around her and can carry our dog o.0, ok now back to the originally planned broadcast) ok where was I? oh yea i love it, absolutley. i love Ashley, shes so funny *i agree with your authors note* :] and i go agree with goober, ppl will come around. it really is a great fic, to die for. ok now im late for work, ill chat later :]:]:] oh and i cant wait for the next ANYTHING you post.

    5. Hey, I’m definitely liking it. Sure, the space thing made me apprehensive at first, but if it’s a story from you, I know I’ll love it. I mean, I adored “Best For Me”, although at first I thought I’d dislike it, what with Spencer being a mom and all. (Still have no idea what “Firefly” is, though!)

    6. Well I definitly like all your other writing .. and though I couldn’t really get into this in the beginning it’s definitly growing on me. Can’t wait to read more :)

    7. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    8. munching on an apple happily. hah can’t resist it after you describe the way spencer ate hers. crispy. lol. and what are you talking about? i love this fic as much as i love the original star wars. it’s fricking brilliant. and we so need a change of scenery right now. so don’t be disheartened mate, people will flock to this fic when they realise what they are missing!! :)

    9. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

    10. if you’re doing the writing, the story is going to be magnificent. how anyone could not read jut doesn’t make any sense! i’m not into scifi myself and i just love this. LOVE it!

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