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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Score)

    The weekend passed rather uneventfully for me.  All I seemed to do for two days was try to get through to Spencer, who appeared to have no clue her phone was incessantly ringing, either that or no intentions of ever answering it.  I believed the reason was the latter, although held out some hope that maybe she’d just misplaced it and would call me back when she found it.  I didn’t really know why I was phoning her, I mean, after saying “hi” I’d have no idea what else to say to her, except maybe “are you okay?”.  I felt it my duty to find out if she was all right, even though I had to pretend to have no idea why she wouldn’t be.  It sucked, and I wished I didn’t care.  But I did, so I just had to remain buggered and jumpy until Monday morning.  I wondered if Carrie had gotten back in touch with Spencer; if she had gone against her promise to cut all ties with DJC, but I had no way of knowing until Monday, when the shit had the potential to well and truly hit the fan.  The idea kept me on edge all weekend when I should have been happy that I’d finally gotten rid of Carrie, and cleverly at that.  I just hoped she hadn’t grown a brain and discovered how many flaws my argument held.

    So, after two days of biting my nails, gnawing at the inflamed skin of my fingers, drinking quite a bit of Jack and watching a lot of inane shit on the TV, Monday finally rolled around and I made my way into the office, praying to God that all would be okay.

    I was late in, as usual, and so by the time I’d made myself some coffee and headed into the office, everyone was already there and making a start on the day’s work.  As I passed Carrie’s desk I noted how empty it was and smiled for the first time in two days.  I’ve really done it!  The atmosphere was off though, and as I sat down as my desk I looked over to Spencer’s near the door and could practically see the black clouds hanging low over it.  She was slumped over her workspace, her face ridiculously close to the keyboard.  Very unusual, she’s usually all perky and straight backed.  She must have felt my eyes on her, however, as she turned her head slightly and looked up for the first time since I’d arrived in the office.  Her eyes were tired and angry, and as they met my gaze I instinctively knew why – Carrie hadn’t been in touch, and the sight of her bare desk must have been pretty hard to take.  I felt sorry for her; for her losing a friend, and for being so blinded by Carrie that she couldn’t see that they were never even friends to begin with.  I averted my gaze and was suddenly dragged from my thoughts by Julian, who was filling the doorway in which he stood.

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    1. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    2. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

    3. you know how when people say score they do that weird little arm manuever, like pulling their arm down and being like SCORE! yea..well even if you dont know or understand, i just did that. and now im dancing *dances* and i love this story :D and i cant wait to see/read you next enstallment. *squeals with delight* now im off to wait patiently

    4. hmm does the carrie issue resolve so easily. *in deep thought* i dont think so. hah. so i cant wait to see what happens next. hey what about the feelings ash had when she read the resignation letter carrie wrote?? it sounded like blackmail and the same as the one spencer wrote years ago. interesting.

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