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    Danger – (Chapter: Chapter 4)

                                                              July 5, 1888


    More. “

    I said to Neferet after I sucked my first human dry. She smile at me and gave me her wrist. I bite down hard hearing her gasp at the pain, but then that gasp turned into a moan. I sucked and sucked until she pushed me away from her.


    You will listen to me my child. If not you will die for good. “


    She said in a growl. I node my head and apologize to her. She starts to walk into the woods were we found the humans camping there. They had knifes and guns. She hands me a knife and tells me it’s a gift from my first kill. I node and took the knife. We walked to a house in the middle of the woods, were she killed two people.



    This is were we will stay today, then we will go home. “


    She said to me and patted the spot next to her on the bed. I lay there in her arms and fall a sleep.




                                                        October 1, 2009



    I lay there on my bed looking at the ceiling in my dark room. I remember I used to be afraid of the dark when I was just a little girl. My mother always told me there is nothing to be afraid of but she was wrong. There is so much to be afraid of in the dark. There are many things that can kill you in the dark. The boogie man is true. I’m the boogie man that will hunt you down and suck you dry. Many things have changed since that night in Spencer’s room. I stopped seeing her, I just can’t. She makes me weak and weak vamps die quick. She is mortal and will only get hurt if she is with me. Neferet likes to question me now about why I’m so quite all the time now. I’m not that quite, I just think about so much.



    I can’t tell her what happen, she will only kill her to save me. I can’t let Spencer die over me. I won’t let her die over me. If I stay away from her then I should be good. I should be back to normal again. But her blood taste so lovely, unlike most I have try. Her blood is sweet like candy. Maybe it’s because she works out a lot. I still stalk her every night, I want to make sure she is fine. She might not know that I’m there with her but I am. I’m watching over her. It’s weird how I kill someone for being with a mortal, but then again I’m over here stalking one because of how good she tastes. She makes me curious. She looks me in my eyes unlike other mortals. I bite her and she did not run. She didn’t even show fear over it. She makes me want her more and more. I got up and started to pace around my room. I can’t let this happen to me. I can’t do this to Neferet. She will never aloud it. Maybe she will turn her but I don’t think Spencer would want to be like me. I’m evil, but she makes me feel good.

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    1. Phenominal story! I’ve never read nor heard of the book u mentioned but I love ashley being a vampire and that spencer is “dangerous” do pms and I will definitely look for another update shortly…

    2. Loved the chapter(: Okay, I was confused earilier because I was so excited to read your next chapter, I read it too fast and had to re-read it, then I understood it. You did nothing wrong, I just got overly exctied(: It happens a lot, don’t worry about it(: You’re an amazing writer, keep it up. I will be waiting for chapter 5(:

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