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    Its that song.

    Everybody listen all over the world
    I got a story ’bout my favorite girl (Wait a minute)

    Oh, my baby sexy for sure
    I had to have him when he walked through the door (Wait a minute)


    Spencer walked through the crowded club she loved being 21.  She had been feeling very lonely and just thought loud music and lots of alcohol was the way to dull her feelings even if only for tonight.  She loved the song that was playing and it made her miss Ashley more because she had just told her how much she loved it.  She was dressed in almost nothing and feeling really good about herself since she had been working out lately.  She had on the tightest pair of jeans she could get in to and her shirt if you could even call it a shirt it was more like a bra with strings hanging from it that swayed when she moved.  After downing 3 shots of vodka she figured she was ready to dance so she made her way to the center of the crowd. 

    She was ’bout to drive me insane
    She come with drama while I’m giving her chains (Wait a minute)

    I’m focused but I’m losing control
    He only wants me for my body zone (Wait a minute)

    She walked to the middle of the dance floor and noticed everyone was in a circle and before she could see what was going on she noticed everyone was clapping and watching someone on the dance floor.


    Spencer could not believe her own eyes, there in the middle of the dance floor was Ashley they broke up 2 weeks ago because they were fighting constantly and it all really came down to both of them missing eachother.  They were both in college and they never saw eachother because they were so busy.  For the few seconds Spencer watched Ashley all of their fights seemed to fade away and Spencer knew that it was better to barely see each other than to not see each other at all and she was lusting after her girlfriend or ex at the moment more than she had in a long time.  Ashley had on the shortest skirt Spencer had every seen her in and her top was basically a bra.

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