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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 8)

    After Spencer and I said we love each other, I felt like I was floating on air. I didn’t think I could ever be this happy. I was so excited, that I did something I never do. And I mean never. Please don’t judge me. It’s so out of character for me and I am pretty ashamed. People would really think of me differently if they found out. I even wore dark sunglasses and a hood when I went to the video store to rent it; I couldn’t let anyone see me or word get out that Ashley Davies watched this kind of stuff. I had a reputation to keep. I had never seen it before, but I had heard people talk about it so much. And I mean, no one would ever find out right?

                Wrong. Spencer finished her talk with Angela much sooner than I had expected and decided to just come surprise me when she was done. Only, the surprise was all on her when she walked in and saw what I was watching. She opened my door and looked at me before the TV.

                “Spencer, oh, um hey what are you doing here?” I ask nervously as I fumble to find the remote to try and save any dignity by turning this off before she sees it.

                She catches on to my nervousness and looks at me skeptically. “I just came to see you,” she says before turning to the television because she had noticed me nervously glance at it and look for the remote. She stared at it for a minute in complete shock before turning back to me. She stood there mouth wide open just staring at me.

                “Spencer, I swear, it’s not what you think,” I try to defend myself hopelessly. “I was just flipping through the channels and it was on, and I didn’t even mean to stop on it. You just came in at an inopportune time.”

                She walked over to the TV stand and picks up the case to the DVD. She picks it up and smiles at me. “Just flipping through the channels huh?”

                “Shit,” I say defeated as I blush. “I swear, it’s the first time I’ve watched it.” Spencer climbs up onto the end of my bed and crawls her way over to me slowly before she kisses me gently on the lips and I breath out, “I’m so embarrassed.”

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    1. Yeah, unexpected twist….I’ve never had the inclination to watch it…The Notebook I mean!!…is it really that good….it seems to appear in a lot of fics…

    2. just caught up great job i was all like what movie? and the you said the notebook and i was all like are you seriouse i described it as a porno or something lol but ive never seen the movie so whenever someone just refers to it i just kinda skip the part where they explain it i dont want to hear about it till i find “the one” lol im weird like that but good job :) pms please :)

    3. HA so thought she was watching porn. and then when I saw it was the notebook I damn near died laughing. bad ass davies broke down and watched it. great update. cannot wait to see what ash plans for spence, pms!

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