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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: The Barber of SEville)

    Night duty at the hospital was not fun. Well, that wasn’t quite true. It was boring, but then, so was day duty at the hospital, weekends at the hospital, weekends at home, weekends not at home and not at the hospital, and just about every other second of Spencer’s life. They had minimal patients at the moment; one, in fact. Usually they had the most patients when the military convoys in the local area deployed there for week long exercises. Spencer had no idea what they could possibly get out of doing exercises on a church planet but she failed to ask. Besides, they tended to fall over, break things, cut themselves in silly manners and just generally create work that was more interesting than your average patient.


    She’d considered requesting a transfer, possibly to a military post. Terratrek was nearby and probably a darn sight more interesting. But when she’d run the idea passed her mother there had been such terror in the older woman’s eyes that Spencer had backed down immediately. It was possibly at that moment that she realised just how much her mother really did still reel from the loss of her father. That she felt it keenly, every second of every day, and with Glen gone, the possibility of Spencer being somewhere remotely dangerous was almost too much to bear. All of that in a flash in Paula’s eyes, but it had been there. Spencer had thought long and hard about it and decided, she could wait. There was no urgency for her to be somewhere else. One day her mother would feel a little more secure and then she could maybe leave for awhile. That’s what it was all about really, security.


    Spencer stared out the window and sighed to herself. It was a familiar sound. She’d been doing it a bit more lately, a wistful kind of noise, hoping for something to razzle up her dull days. She’d had another date with Thom last night. She was really going to have to figure out a way to let him down gently, he meant well, but he was… what was the word. Awful? No, that was mean. But she didn’t know how much longer she could put up with the trout like goodnight kisses. Probably not much longer. She had to stop stringing him along.

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    1. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    2. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    3. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    4. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    5. Spashley in space just makes everything a bit more sexy. LOVE this story. I think its time for Ashley to corrupt Spencer a bit eh? but in a really really good way ;)

    6. i wanna know whats in the package..but it was prolly just air..and but in the story to make everything interesting, which will ultimately drive me crazy, so good job. but i loved it. ghey church..but they are beautiful. i loved it and i want ANOTHER chapter NOW, or you know later..when its convient for you. :] i lug you AT. muchoness

    7. Wooot! Excitement. Exactly what she needed. Now she can possibly come to her senses and realize that her life on this church planet sux! All she needs to do is hop on Ashley’s ship, make passionate love to her, and ride away happily ever after. Hehe. :) That’s me for you. Update soon please, I’d be much obliged.

    8. Hmmm Wonder what Mr. Smooth and the Deacon are up too… trafficing drugs… jewels… Weapons of Mass Destruction… Spencer and Ashley’s happiness??? Nice update mate. More SOON!!! PLEASE

    9. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

    10. woh-uh mystery, suspense, comedy and romantic all rolled into one brilliant fic!!! i really truly adore this story. no kidding just after a few chapters in, i’m totally hooked. i like that there’s something going on just beneath the surface, and not just your ordinary lovey-dovey story again. amazing job mate!! keep on posting! :)

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