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    The Reminder

    Ashley was very nervous she kept pacing back and forth with her right hand crossed over her chest and her left hand against her mouth chewing on her thumb nail.  When she heard the bell ding her whole body tensed, she walked back into the bathroom and looked at the test, she fell to the floor when she saw the results.

    Her whole body jerked with sobs as she held her knees against her chest and cried.  She had never been so scared she didn’t know what to do.  She wasn’t sure how long she had been in the bathroom but when she heard the front door open she jumped up and went out in the living room after quickly wrapping the test in toilet paper and throwing it in the trash.

    "Ohh my god Ash what’s wrong."  Spencer threw her breifcase on the couch and tried to pull her wife to her when she saw her tear stained face.

    "Nothing…..I…um its just about that time of month."  Ok so not technically a lie she thought as she stepped back out of the hug feeling really guilty and not wanting Spencer to feel bad for her.  "It was just a long day today."

    "Babe its ok, is it….I….mean from Aiden?"  Ashley’s head jerked up and she started shaking her head frantically.

    "NO, Im fine." Spencer backed off right away she new this was still very painful for Ashley and she didn’t want to push her to talk about it.

    "Ok do you want to get some food?"  Ashley looked so lost Spencer had been trying to reach her for over a month but she just seemed to be disapearing in the darkness no matter what Spencer did.

    "No."  Ashley whispered  "Spence I’m sorry I just really want to sleep."  Spencer subconsiously checked her watch it was 5:30pm and if Ashley was being true to form she would go to bed now and not wake up until 12 the next day.

    "Sweety…."  Spencer stoped trying to find the right words.  "We really need to talk."  Ashley couldn’t even look Spencer in the eye and Spencer didn’t want to push her so she just kept going.

    "I think you need to talk about this."  Ashley turned to walk away and Spencer grabed her arm and spun her back around.

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