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    The Remnants of a Young Girl’s Dream – (Chapter: Chapter 4: Pain, Confrontation, and More Pain)

                Spencer was having trouble processing what had almost happened in the bathroom just minutes ago. All she knew as she frantically walked down the hospital hallway was that she needed to be as far away as possible from Ashley, as soon as possible. However, although her body was cooperating with distancing itself from Ashley, Spencer’s mind was having quite a bit of trouble forgetting about what had very nearly happened in that bathroom. Her distracted state made her completely oblivious to Aiden, as he walked out of the men’s bathroom and Spencer promptly walked into him.

    “Woah!” Aiden steadied a toppling Spencer. “You okay, Spence?”

    “Um, yeah. Thanks.” Honestly, Spencer couldn’t have cared less about Aiden’s concern. She knew that it was anything but genuine.

    “You’re sure?” She nodded tersely. “So, is Ashley coming?”

                Spencer’s eyes snapped back to Aiden’s confused face, nearly bulging out of their sockets. “What?!? How do you even… Are you following us into the bathroom now?”

    “Spence, what are you talking about? I was just asking if Ashley is coming out of the bathroom.” Spencer realized her stupidity immediately. “Did something happen between you two in the bathroom?” She stayed silent.

                Ashley chose that moment to exit the bathroom. Once out the door, she spotted Spencer and Aiden down the hall. She rushed over, touching Spencer’s forearm. “Spence, we need to talk.” She tried to keep her voice from showing her emotion. “Now.”

    “I need to go check in with my family, Ashley. For once, I’m not going to drop everything to cater to you. This is not about you.”

    Ashley lowered her voice to a whisper, “Spencer, you’re not being fair. What just happened…” Aiden cleared his throat, unintentionally reminding Ashley of his presence. “Let’s go somewhere and talk about this.”

    “I need to go see my family. We can talk after.”

    Spencer began to walk away. Ashley hurried to keep up, grabbing her arm, just as Aiden grabbed hers.

    Ashley and Aiden both spoke the same words, “We need to talk.”

    Spencer’s expression morphed into one of immense hurt, but she quickly recovered, plastering a fake smile on her face.

    “You should talk to Aiden, Ashley. I’m sure you guys have tons to discuss.” She threw one last glare in the brunette’s direction and stormed off toward the waiting room.

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    1. I am so glad Ashley told Aiden off. He makes me so mad, especially with that stunt he pulled at the end. He totally deserved that punch in the face. Awesome update, PMS!

    2. THATA GIRL ASHLEY!! WOOHOO! she should’ve kneed him in the balls too. that woulda been sweet. but theres always time for that later hehe. ughh he’s such a fucking dick!!! let’s kill him. who’s in?

    3. I am so glad Ashley told Aiden off. He makes me so mad, especially with that stunt he pulled at the end. He totally deserved that punch in the face. Awesome update, PMS!

    4. THATA GIRL ASHLEY!! WOOHOO! she should’ve kneed him in the balls too. that woulda been sweet. but theres always time for that later hehe. ughh he’s such a fucking dick!!! let’s kill him. who’s in?

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