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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: RIP Fred)

    On Saturday, 24th March, I woke up frowning.  I was officially 25 years old: one whole quarter of a century gone, and it totally sucked.  I hadn’t slept well, either, which was exceptionally crap, as I knew that I needed all the energy I could muster for the evening ahead.  Keeping myself in line around Spencer was going to take a lot of patience and self control, and if I was feeling tired and irritable it was going to be even more hard work than usual.  It was only 10.15am, and I was already tired and irritable.  Great start.

    I crawled out from under the mess of duvet and sheets that encased me, and stretched as I made my way through to the kitchen.  Whilst on my travels I noticed my answer phone was still glaring the ever present ‘0’ at me… not that I was expecting any messages.  My mom had long been out of my life, my dad was useless and too busy with partying, recording albums and getting laid to remember my date of birth, and I had no real friends to speak of, so the likelihood of receiving any messages was small.  I considered checking my mailbox in the foyer downstairs, but didn’t see the point.

    I passed my ridiculously large fish tank and noticed my favorite fish floating at the top of the water.  Trust it to be inconsiderate enough to die on my fucking birthday. So as not to cause emotional scarring in my remaining fish, I quickly scooped Fred’s (I was feeling imaginative the day I named my fish) lifeless body from the water with a small net and headed to the bathroom.  After depositing his little form in the toilet pan, flushing, and saying a few words in his memory, I finally made it into the kitchen.  Just as I was about to remind myself of how empty my fridge was, and so settle down with a breakfast of coffee – a true breakfast of champions – I heard my cell ringing in my bedroom.

    I grabbed my phone and smiled when I read the display.  Spencer.  I slid it open, put it to my ear, and before I’d even said ‘hello’, my sense of hearing was overwhelmed by her voice singing ‘Happy Birthday’ to me.  I couldn’t help but grin and blush like a little kid, and decided to patiently wait for her to finish.

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    1. dedicated to me?! oh bannerman you shouldnt have, im blushing! god damn it Fred! he couldn’t have just decided to die tomm could he!? I loved the update, short or not it rocked. uncomfortable Spashley is adorable. dont let things fall to pieces just yet!

    2. Oh yeah. Another great update. And I’m sorry for Fred. I’m sure he lived a great life. And hopefully Ashley removed him before the other fish, were in fact, traumitized. The whole Spashley thing is quite, undeniably, cute-irific. I don’t know if that is even a word, or if it is a word, if I spelled it right. Either way, I’m sure you understand what I mean. You have this inate ability to read people like books (I’m assuming). I don’t know. I assume a lot. S’all good in the end tho. I hope we can say the same for Spashley. I can’t wait for Spencer to find out about the bet. It’s gonna be good. I don’t know what to expect. I’m loving it, B-mannn. *I’m such a dorkkk* Update soon please. I’d like that.

    3. brillant. and poor friend, pardon the forth coming tangent. but i just got two new fish. *squeals in delight* but i dont know what to name them. any ideas? i loved it. loved loved it. and i must say it amuses me when Ashleys blushes just cuz she doesnt seem like the type that would. *nods* i wanna know where they are going for their date. oh do tell me soon *pouts* :]

    4. When is this date going to be? your such a tease, but thanks for the update all the same…pms..i cant wait to see what spencer does when she finds out!

    5. ok. no friends? i though aiden was supposed to be her friend…what a fucking jerk – not even calling her on her birthday…and he thinks she is helping him. i just hate him right now. anyways – i heart spencer. please make this night completely and absolutely wonderful for ash…she deserves it! can’t wait to read more – which means that you must post more now! poor fred. give him my love!

    6. dedicated to me?! oh bannerman you shouldnt have, im blushing! god damn it Fred! he couldn’t have just decided to die tomm could he!? I loved the update, short or not it rocked. uncomfortable Spashley is adorable. dont let things fall to pieces just yet!

    7. Oh yeah. Another great update. And I’m sorry for Fred. I’m sure he lived a great life. And hopefully Ashley removed him before the other fish, were in fact, traumitized. The whole Spashley thing is quite, undeniably, cute-irific. I don’t know if that is even a word, or if it is a word, if I spelled it right. Either way, I’m sure you understand what I mean. You have this inate ability to read people like books (I’m assuming). I don’t know. I assume a lot. S’all good in the end tho. I hope we can say the same for Spashley. I can’t wait for Spencer to find out about the bet. It’s gonna be good. I don’t know what to expect. I’m loving it, B-mannn. *I’m such a dorkkk* Update soon please. I’d like that.

    8. brillant. and poor friend, pardon the forth coming tangent. but i just got two new fish. *squeals in delight* but i dont know what to name them. any ideas? i loved it. loved loved it. and i must say it amuses me when Ashleys blushes just cuz she doesnt seem like the type that would. *nods* i wanna know where they are going for their date. oh do tell me soon *pouts* :]

    9. When is this date going to be? your such a tease, but thanks for the update all the same…pms..i cant wait to see what spencer does when she finds out!

    10. ok. no friends? i though aiden was supposed to be her friend…what a fucking jerk – not even calling her on her birthday…and he thinks she is helping him. i just hate him right now. anyways – i heart spencer. please make this night completely and absolutely wonderful for ash…she deserves it! can’t wait to read more – which means that you must post more now! poor fred. give him my love!

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