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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Seventeen)

    A knock on the door shook Spencer out of her thoughts on which outfit she should wear. She threw the green shirt in the general direction of her bed and wearing only a towel, she ran from her bedroom to the door. “I’m coming!” She yelled out and briefly wondered what Ashley ate today – she was early for once!

    Taking a quick peek through the peephole she was met with… nothing. “The hell?” She opened the door and jumped back when Kenny appeared in her view, like a Jack in a box.

    “Well dear, if you’re planning on greeting Ashley like this, I’m sure she’ll be pleased. I know my 1% straight is really enjoying the show.” Kenny laughed and leaned against the doorframe. Grabbing his mobile, he grinned at her and before she knew what had happened, he had taken a picture of her.

    “Kenny! You rotten bastard!” She tried grabbing the mobile but in her current state she was more concerned in not losing her towel so the fight over the mobile wasn’t a fair one.

    “Hey! Give a 1% straight man a break, will ya?” He dodged her swinging fist and snickered.

    “Give me that before I’ll break you in two.” Ashley said and took the phone out of Kenny’s hands. She had no idea why the blonde wanted it but if Kenny was involved, she probably had a valid reason.

    “Thank you.” Spencer said when Ashley handed over the mobile. She made quick work of deleting the picture and threw the offending object to Kenny.

    He pouted but put it away after Ashley gave him a menacing look. “Fine. I’ll leave you to it then. Have fun but not too much fun, ey.” He winked and left.

    “What the fuck did he want?” Ashley asked when she walked in.

    Spencer closed the door and shrugged. “Besides taking pictures of me, who knows. The guy’s an enigma.” The blonde tucked one side of the towel further in. She wasn’t ready to give Ashley that show, just yet. Slowly regarding the brunette up and down, she had to admit she looked absolutely stunning. Ashley was wearing a pair of black slacks with a dark blue low-cut top. “You look great.” She uttered and mentally took her jaw off the floor.

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