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    Give Up – (Chapter: You Are Such A Chick)

    She grins and slams her door shut before backing out of the parking lot and driving off. I stand there in the lot until I can no longer see her car. What the fuck have you gotten yourself into Davies?




    "She offered to walk me to my car the look I gave her in response must have been priceless. It’s not like no one has ever offered to walk me to my car. Believe me when I say I’ve had that offer more than enough times. It was the look on her face when she asked. In the past every time I got the offer I could tell that the person asking wanted something. Sex, money, drugs, or a connection. They all wanted something that they thought I could give them. But its not like that with Ashley. The way she asked me and the look on her face when she spoke told me everything I needed to know. When I stuttered out a sure she had the biggest look of relief on her face. Like she was afraid of what would happen if I said no."


    "The feeling that flowed through my body when she linked arms with me was weird. Not in the ‘Eww why the hell is she touching me way’ Trust me when I say her touch is amazing." I shake my head and look down.


    "It was weird because I actually felt it. I’m positive that sounded absolutely nuts. Obviously if someone touches you, you feel something. But that isn’t what I mean."


    "Growing up was hard for so many reasons. The biggest problem was all the lies I had to tell. I remember when he actually told me how he made a living, but apart of me always knew. I didn’t always know exactly what he did, but I knew it was something that had to be kept a secret."


    "He told me when I turned 18 and that was when everything changed for me. I was no longer that sweet little girl. When I moved out here everybody knew who I was. Well at least they knew what they wanted to know."


    "They knew I was the gay daughter of the new hot shot dealer and they all saw it as an opportunity, especially Madison. When I realized she’d been using me to get to my father I was devastated. And we both know what happened after that. I just…. things were so hard for me. So I did what I do best. I partied….hard. For weeks it was just partying, but then it turned into fucking any girl who came my way. When that got boring I turned to my never ending supply of drugs, and after doing so much shit and being with so many people I lost it. And I took it out on the first person that got in my way. After that night…. after I nearly beat him to death, I… I stopped feeling." I finally pause taking a much needed breath.

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    1. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

    2. Haha. I’m truly touched that you dedicated this post to me. Truly. and hey, this was an awesome update. We finnaly got some insight into Spencer’s life and what makes her tick. Amazing. :) I’m completely pumped for this next date. Just keep the pace in mind. If you keep things going at a steady pace, good things will follow. Don’t rush them into a relationship. Make Ashley keep her head, and make Spencer work for it. That’s all I have to say. Nice post. Do it again, would ya? And I’m glad I gave you some perspective. School, while an important part of every person’s life, is fucked up. That’s my story and I’m stickin to it. Woot.

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