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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Thirty Nine)

    Ryan took a deep breath and prepared himself for the onslaught of hurtful words he knew the rocker was about to pummel him with.

    Ashley angrily stood from her seat, “There is no fucking way,” she yelled pointing a finger at the bass player.

    “Get the fuck out of here!”

    “Ashley, just give him a chance,” Spencer whispered gripping the rocker’s arm gently.

    The brunette immediately shrugged off the touch. “Give him a fucking chance,” she growled turning to look at her fiancée. She was about to continue when she saw something in the blonde’s eyes. Suddenly something clicked. “You set me up,” she whispered.

    Spencer bit her lip and nodded slowly. Ashley shook her head and stepped away from her fiancée before she could do or say something to harm their relationship. She turned to look at the others in the room. The guys were looking down, looking away, or fidgeting uncomfortably.

    “You all set me up,” the rocker hissed. “What the fuck is this?”

    Ryan took a step forward. “Ash-”

    “No,” Ashley yelled. “You shut the fuck up!” The rocker turned back to the Trouble Makers. “I want some fucking answers! Whose idea was this?”

    All the guys looked at each other unsure of whether to speak or not. They could tell the rocker was getting impatient and was going to blow up any second.

    “It was mine,” Spencer whispered.

    Ashley looked at her fiancé shocked, “Spencer …”
    “We all agreed with the idea,” Eric confessed not willing to let Spencer take the entire wrap.

    “Ryan is the best bass player Ash,” Clay said with a shrug. “There’s no one better than him out there and you know it.”

    “He’s also our friend,” Aiden added.

    “We want you two to stay in here and talk it out,” Danny stated shoving his hands in his front pockets. “We’ll be waiting outside.”

    Ashley shook her head. “Too bad you wasted your time bringing him out here for nothing,” the rocker hissed as she angrily stormed towards the doors.

    Spencer quickly followed behind her. She blocked the rocker’s path. Ashley’s jaw tightened as she ground her teeth together irritably, “Spencer … get out of my way.”

    The blonde shook her head, “No, Ashley.” She replied confidently.

    The rocker tried to side step her fiancée but Spencer moved along with her. Ashley let out a sharp breath. Her head was beginning to pound and she could feel her body heat with anger. She was about to lose and everyone could see it.

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    1. OK we have another psychotic one here! ohh boy. if and when ash discovers the webcam, heather is going to have one hell of a reckoning to deal with. excellent update, pms!

    2. I’m glad Ryan and Ashley made up. Spencer is good for Ashley. Now the person Ashley should be kicking to the curb is that skank Heather. She just wants Ashley because Ashley is with someone else. I don’t believe she’s in love with Ashley like she said. Heather just doesn’t want anyone else to have her. I hope Spencer has her stalking radar working, she’s going to need it and I hope Ashley doesn’t get into any compromising situations with that skank. Excellent update.

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