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    Decisions – (Chapter: 3)







                “Spence,” Ashley said, “I wasn’t expecting you to call. Well at least not this soon.”

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “I would have called sooner but Kyla was here and I didn’t want to be rude and be on the phone while she was here.”

                “It’s cool,” Ashley said. “I totally understand. I’m just glad you called.”

                “Your message made me really happy,” Spencer said. “I have one question. Why did it take you so long?”

                “It threw me off when Aiden said that you told him to back off,” Ashley said. “Then he goes and says that he still loves me. And I do still love him but not the way I love you. Now he’s more like a brother. You’re the one I love more than life itself. I told Aiden I don’t want him. I told him if he can’t accept being friends then he will be out of my life. He said he’s cool just being friends.”

                “That’s good,” Spencer said. “I don’t think Kyla is going to take him back though.”

                “She still hasn’t talked to me,” Ashley said.

                “Just give her some time,” Spencer said. “She’ll come around.”

                “Yeah,” Ashley said. “So…where do we stand?”

                “I don’t know,” Spencer said. “I love you so much but you really hurt me. I don’t want to let you go, but I’m scared of getting hurt again.”

                “Spence,” Ashley said, “I’m so sorry that I hurt you. I promise to never hurt you ever again.”

                “You’re gonna have to earn my trust and everything again,” Spencer said.

                “I know,” Ashley said. “I expected it. I’ll do anything to get you to trust me.”

                “What are you doing tomorrow?” Spencer asked.

                “School,” Ashley said. “But nothing afterward. Why? What’s up?”

                “I was just gonna see if you wanted to come over,” Spencer said.

                “Of course I do,” Ashley said. “I’ll stop by after school. I’ll probably stop by for a few minutes during lunch.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said. “Just call me.”

                “Will do,” Ashley said.

                “I think I’m gonna go,” Spencer said. “I’m getting tired and I should probably rest.”

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