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    Everything’s Not Lost – (Chapter: Chapter Eighteen)

    Spencer whistled and threw the case file in her drawer. With a kick of her foot, it slid shut. “Score for Spencer.” She mumbled and sat down. Her date with Ashley last night went rather smoothly and it had greatly improved her mood. She left like nothing could get her down. And to top that, she had no clients or any cases today. Gotta love Friday.

    “Miss Spencer?” Her assistant called out from the other side of the door. What the hell? Since when was Beverly scared of coming in? Or using her phone for that matter? She had used it before.

    “What Beverly?” Spencer replied and put on her glasses to skim over some papers. If Beverly was too scared to come it couldn’t be good. And based on recent events, Kenny probably was involved as well and he meant trouble. With a capital T.

    “Uhm, could you come out please?”

    “Uhm, no? Are you crazy. It’s probably another Kenny-scheme and I’m having a good day so no gay waiter is going to screw up my good mood.” She rolled her eyes and hoped the young woman would go back to work already. She was paying to do so after all.

    Beverly glanced behind her at the visitor and shrugged. After receiving a glare she sighed and tried again. “You really should come out, Miss Spencer. There’s someone here to see you.” Glancing behind her again, she saw the visitor nod satisfied. “And it’s not Kenny.” She added as an afterthought.

    The blonde mumbled a few colourful words and got up. If it was Kenny, she was going to skin that assistant of hers alive. Multiple times. Over and over. She opened the door and first she saw Beverly wearing a sheepish smile. Next thing she saw was probably the biggest teddy bear she had ever seen. Barely visible behind it was grinning Ashley holding a sign in front of the teddy that said, ‘Be mine?’.

    “I’ll go uh back to work now.” Beverly said and left for the basement. She needed some old case files and it might just take about two hours to get them. Or so. She had her iPod with her so she could keep herself occupied for a while. Like she wanted to hear them doing the Kasbah. She had feelings too!

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