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    Tunnel Vision

    blackened eyes, a glazed glare

    beads of sweat in matted hair

    through parted lips, a gentle sigh

    breathing steady, a patient lie

    a whispered promise across one ear

    sending a shiver of delicious fear

    fingertips grazing

    tracing a path, white hot

    senseless patterns emerging

    vision hazing

    breasts heaving

    cheeks blazing

    blood forced to the surface

    each beat bleeding

    extremities filling

    rigid and throbbing

    rising and falling

    skin glistens, a subtle taste

    final barrier- pink lace

    breached without haste

    each surface slick

    fumbling fingers searching

    to an unsure purpose, hopelessly devoted

    sticky and coated

    the gun, cocked and loaded

    trigger finger shaky but sure

    aim steady and pure

    the pressure is building

    the blast is the cure

    muscles contorted and frozen

    the shot rings out

    held breath

    a single scream

    ecstasy like a laser beam


    passion fizzles,

    now done.

    every color,

    then none.


    1. i really liked this, especially the line “final barrier- pink lace” i dont know why but i thought that was really great.. the whole thing was awesome though it makes me want to right something like this

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