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    The Rules of Highschool – (Chapter: Chapter Two)

    Spencer just told Ashley she was gay. They are at the beach.


    Spencer laughed and shook her head at Ashley’s comment. She jumped outta the car and caught up with Ashley.

       "You’ve been going to King for a couple of years, right?"
       "Yeah, Ash, why do you ask?"
       "So you’ve been pretending to be attracted to Aiden?"
       "And not attracted to girls?"
       "Ok, how and why??"
       "I have no idea how and the why is simple. I got a lot of shit back from for it. I didnt want to go through it again. And if Im with Aiden people accept me."
       "But not for the real you."
       "As far as they know it is"
       "So how long have you known that youre gay?"
       "Well Ive always known something was different but, I didnt come out until I was in 8th grade. I’m not so sure I should have done that then…"
       "You went through hell, didnt you?"
       "Oh yeah. All my friends left. People wouldnt come near me, as if I had a contagious illness. The shameful stares and people shaking their heads at me. I hated it. Thats why I wanted to start new here."
       "I guess I see your point,"
       "What about you, whats your story?"
       "I dont really have one. I was always different, never really fit in. So when I cam out, it was just another thing for people to bug me about. But I say those who care dont matter and those who matter dont care.
       "Good point"

    Spencer and Ashley stripped down to their bikinis and decided to tan for a bit.

       "So whats your family like?" Ashley asked, not being able to stand the silence any longer.
       "My moms a doctor. My dads a teen counselor. My brother, Glen, is a typical jock…Thats it."
       "Sounds like an all-american family"
       "Ha, yeah. Except for the lesbian daughter who is pretending to be straight."
       "Do your parents know that youre gay?"
       "Yeah, my mom said it was just a phase and hasnt said anything since Ive been with Aiden. My dad accepted it and I think he still knows I am."
       "Oh, I see."
       "Yeah, well, enough seriousness. Lets go for a swim."
       "Ugh, no." Ashley looked at Spencer and pointed to her hair. "This hair does not get wet."
       "Aww, come on Ash." Spencer pouted.
       "No, nope, no way!"
       "Fine," Spencer scoffed. "I’ll go by myself." Spencer walked away and soon spotted a 12 year old boy with a bucket. An evil smirk spread across her face. She talked the kid into letting her use the bucket. She filled it with water and tip-toed over to Ashley. Ashley had her eyes closed.

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    1. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

    2. im really glad i decided to read this fic, because that really is what teenagers deal with. the whole being accepted thing in high school… its so important to kids, and you really got that in here. GREAT job. PMS.

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