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    The Story of Us – (Chapter: 5 (Part II): For You, I’d Wait ‘Til Kingdom Come)

    “Ash, did you find them?” Nodded hesitantly, Ashley slowly pulled a jar out of the paper sack in her hand, “Yeah, baby these are Polish gherkin spears, but I couldn’t find Cain’s”, she coughed nervously, “so, I had to get another brand. Hon…I tried really hard…I went to eight stores…” Spencer’s bottom lip started to tremble. Smiling nervously at her wife, Ashley started talking faster, “Baby, I’m sure Whole Foods will have them. They’ll be open in a few hours. I’ll just stay up and as soon as they open, I’ll go get them, okay?” Ashley watched cringing as fat tears began falling down Spencer’s flushed, chubby cheeks, her mouth opened emitting a loud sob. “I just wanted some p-p-pickles Ash…I can’t even get my pickles today!” Ashley rushed to her wife, hugging her close, “Baby, its okay somebody took them…and I’m gonna find out who.” She pulled back slightly, rubbing her thumb gently across her wife’s face, “Baby, they’re gonna pay for taking your pickles!” Spencer nodded, repeating softly, “Yeah…baby, make ‘em pay.”


    Pulling out the chair from the table with a flourish, Ashley bowed, smiling reassuringly as she helped her wife sit down, “Don’t worry babe, I’m gonna fix you right up!” Spencer sniffled, whining, “Ash, I want the crunchy.” Nodding, Ashley reached into the pantry grabbing a jar of peanut butter before turning to her wife, “Babe, do you want white or wheat this time?” Spencer started sobbing, “I don’t know…I don’t know which one I want!” Quickly grabbing both loaves of bread and a knife, Ashley sat down, “Shh, baby don’t cry. I’ll just make two sandwiches and then you can eat whichever one you like the best.” Spencer wiped her eyes, sniffling, “Ash, I don’t want to waste food.” Trying desperately to ignore her churning stomach, Ashley patted her wife’s hand, “I’ll just eat whichever one you don’t want, okay?” Spencer smiled and nodded, her blue eyes shinning with unshed tears.


    Ashley’s brow furrowed in concentration as she pulled six pickle spears out, laying them on the table before meticulously cutting each spear vertically into three even pieces. Taking two slices of bread from each loaf, she applied a generous amount of peanut butter to each piece. After carefully placing the strips of pickle evenly on both bottom slices, she added the top piece and carefully cut the crust off of each completed sandwich. Spencer clapped happily, squealing, “Boogie Bear, you’re getting so good!” Ashley started drumming on the table softly, “Okay, now the moment of truth ladies and gentleman…which sandwich will Mrs. Davies eat?” Spencer picked up the wheat sandwich and took a small bite, chewing thoughtfully. Ashley grinned and pretended to hold a microphone up to her mouth, “Mrs. Davies, the people want to know, why so fine?” Spencer giggled, “Hon, you are so cute when you’re horny.”

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    1. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    2. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    3. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    4. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    5. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    6. First of all, WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER???!!! I’m going crazy with the not knowing if she is okay. Man, I hope she’s okay. Also, how sweet was Ashley to Spencer when she was pregnant!! The pickles and peanut butter, too sweet. I really, really hope Spencer and the baby are okay. Fantastic update. But please PMS!

    7. ok i’m sitting here with tears in my freakin eyes!! you know how good a story is and how amazing the author is when the reader is crying!! omggg. AMAZING!! im hoping to the fanfiction gods that both spencer and the baby make it out ok! ash already lost one baby..i dont think she’d be able to handle it if she lost another..and spencer. :-( poor spencerrr. i agree with insertcleveranswer…WHERE THE HECK IS SPENCER?! AHHH! update soon!! PLEASE!

    8. I`m going crazy wondering what has happen to spencer. I hope she is ok. And i hope the baby is going to be ok. I cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    9. ok, so its been like 4 months since you’ve posted on this an u left me and probably millions of others completely hanging… i know ur probably busy an sick of writing on this, but please im begging you for at least a couple more posts, just to finish it off… please i will cry if u want me to… please please please please!!!!!

    10. I discovered this story this morning and I have been reading it all day long. OMG!!! I am saddened by the fact that we don’t know what happened to Spencer? Please finish at least one more to let us know if she is stil alive. LOVE YOUR WRITING…totally emotional…

    11. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    12. I just re-read this story from the beginging because this is so good. And I wanted to “fill” in the blanks. I went by your “@=the past and **=the present” guide line and it made things alot easier for me so thank you. I’m sorry that Spencer can’t carry a child of her own because listening to Paula talk about how beautiful she was as a little girl made me want to cry. That was such a sweet flash back of Spence saying her prayers. This story is so beautiful and bitter sweet. Your a great writer because I can picture everything in my head as I read along. Where is Spencer? Is she ok? They have to have a happily ever after because they’ve been through so much together. I love this story!

    13. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

    14. so i know i’m incredibly late but i just found this site a few months ago and i just came across your ff’s about a week ago… please continue!!! i’m totally loving your stories and i’m incredibly anxious to see what’s going on!!! please PMS!

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