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    Ace High – (Chapter: Ch 10)

    Chatter surrounded them as they sat in the small booth in the fast food restaurant, across from each other, in silence. With the new clothes in the trunk the two drove around for a few, words spoken here and there but mainly silent with the radio blasting and it wasn’t as awkward as they thought, it was actually quite welcomed from the normal hectic loudness of the city and schools and homes.

    "Is it good?" Ashley wondered when Spencer kept her head down munching on a fry obviously in deep thought. The question earned her a nod but nothing else, sighing she took a sip of her soda than proceeded to grab the remaining cards, "Okay so four more to go."

    "What? I thought there was five?" Spencer tilted her head in confusion unsure if her math skills were as good as everyone said.

    "There was but…" at this she trailed off and a dark blush rested upon her face making her entire body flush, "One of the cards was…unexpected public sex." Ashley didn’t know why saying that out loud made her more embarrassed than actually performing the deed but she figured it had to be because she was in the moment of pleasure, not caring about anything but the soft fingers inside her and not in some restaurant discussing it.

    "You are very sneaky Ashley, I swear these cards are like flying out the window and out of that crazy head of yours. Do you like come up with this stuff on the top of your head and write it down when I’m not looking." she shook her head drinking her soda and picking a card while being unaware that her comment made the brunette feel like she was going to fast.

    "Sorry," she sadly spoke passing Spencer the paper that went with the four of hearts.

    Licking her lips to get excess soda off she glanced up through thick eye lashes blinking slowly, "For what?"

    "We’re going to fast right?" Ashley nodded her head in agreement to her own statement, continuing on with out an answer, "I knew this would happen. I’m just not a very patient person and after last night I…well I need to have you any way I can. Touch, taste, feel…"

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