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    Not Ready to Make Nice

    History sucks.

    Ironic how I’m only talking about school history, as in the class. World History. What do I care about history? I sigh and look up from my book, staring at nothing in particular. You think I would care about history, seeing as it fucked up my love life. Well, more like just my life, in general. I guess I am talking about more than history class.

    I shake from my thoughts; I need to get this done. I look back down at my history book, and the questions on the page. Taunting me. It’s asking me questions to make sure I read the chapter. I read it, but it’s like when you read something and you get lost in your thoughts, and, like, four pages later you realize you don’t remember anything you’ve read. If that’s what this book is asking of me, then yeah, I read it. The words on the page become a blur. I can’t focus on this, right now. I shut the book and throw down my pencil.

    Sitting back in my chair, I look to one of my upper shelves. There’s a picture. A picture of us. We looked so happy. Key word is looked, I suppose. I purse my lips and flip the picture frame down so that the back is facing upward. So that picture isn’t starting at me. Mocking me.

    This isn’t going to cut it. I’m getting tired of thinking about what went wrong and why all this happened. I’m just tired of thinking about…everything.

    You always told me, “Music, Spence, that’s the way to escape.” I figure, what the hell, it’s worth a shot. I doubt it’ll take my mind off things, but what could it hurt?

    I get up and walk over to my CD collection. It’s a mess. All out of order and mixing genres. I run my finger along the spines of the cases and read the band/singer names to myself. Carrie Underwood, Taking Back Sunday, Avril Lavigne, The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Kelly Clarkson, My Chemical Romance, Miranda Lambert, Cartel. There’s more, but I don’t see a need to name them all. Like I said, they’re way out of order. I should fix that. I continue to read through the rest of my CDs. Wait, what’s this? I pull out the CD and look it over. Dixie Chicks.

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    1. Well, now I’m officially depressed. Thanks for that. Maybe you could do a continuation and make Spashley happy again? Cool use of the Dixie Chicks song though.

    2. insertcleveranswer-Sorry I depressed you. And I don’t know about a continuation. I’ll think it over. Thanks for the comment.frakin08-Yeah, it is pretty heartbreaking, but it’s what came to mind when I heard the song, and I had a screaming urge to write it down. I hope I didn’t depress you, as well. Thanks for the comment.=S

    3. Brownie points? Sweet, thanks. And yeah, I don’t like country either, but a friend of mine made me listen to the song and, well, the rest is history.

    4. Well, now I’m officially depressed. Thanks for that. Maybe you could do a continuation and make Spashley happy again? Cool use of the Dixie Chicks song though.

    5. insertcleveranswer-Sorry I depressed you. And I don’t know about a continuation. I’ll think it over. Thanks for the comment.frakin08-Yeah, it is pretty heartbreaking, but it’s what came to mind when I heard the song, and I had a screaming urge to write it down. I hope I didn’t depress you, as well. Thanks for the comment.=S

    6. Brownie points? Sweet, thanks. And yeah, I don’t like country either, but a friend of mine made me listen to the song and, well, the rest is history.

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