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    Give Up – (Chapter: Ben & Jerry)

    "Well I made a promise and I never break promises. So I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight, maybe grab a bite to eat." I calm myself before responding. I don’t want to sound too excited. "Yeah, I’d love to."



    I rush towards the glass door pulling it open harder than needed.


    Look Davies I have no objection to what your doing. Its the only way in, but you’d better not forget who she is and what your being paid to do.


    I can’t seem to rid Johnson’s voice from my thoughts. Although he’s given me this speech way too many times this is the first time it actually hit me.


    Last night the dinner had gone great. Conversation came easily, and there were no awkward silences. Not having any awkward silences is a new concept for me. I don’t think I’ve ever been on a first date that wasn’t filled with any awkward silence.


    Date? Davies that definitely wasn’t a date.


    I’m actually not sure if Spencer had considered last night a date. There was definite laughter and flirting but for the most part it seemed more friendly than anything else.


    Just flowing conversation, smiles, and great food.


    I pull my keys out of my purse and attempt to ‘turn off’ my brain. Of course I fail miserably and my thoughts drift back to the previous night.



    "So Spencer, we’ve spent the entire night together. Have I earned the right to know your last name yet?"

    She looks into my eyes and slightly tilts her head to the side.


    "Well the nights not over yet, so maybe if you play your cards right you’ll find out."



    I slam the door shut and slip the silver key into the ignition. After a second the car makes a low purring sound. And I put it in drive, backing out of the lot as quickly as possible.



    "So Spencer, what’s your story?"


    She lets her fork drop to the plate. I can tell from her facial expression that she was expecting me to ask this question. She looks up at me, staring into my eyes.

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    1. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    2. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    3. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

    4. so in…OVER YOUR HEAD! lol ashie’s smitten with the drug princess. hott. excellent chapter!! your story is quite original. sure there’s been other fics about one or both girls being cops of some sort but i REALLY like this one!! really really! i cant wait to see what trouble you get ashley into.

    5. Nice. Great update kid. Just what I was looking for in this post. :] I love this story and I’m glad you actually take the things I say to heart. It means a lot. Keep up the good job. I’ll be waiting for another great update from you. :)

    6. oooh…i just got into this story..i’m so late i know. but it is sooo great! please keep updating! I can’t wait to read more and ashley is screwed! love it!

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