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    The Demon’s Den – (Chapter: Chapter 9)

    The dreaded Saturday had arrived and Spencer wasn’t feeling to well. She dreaded what this night would bring and wasn’t looking forward to an entire evening with Rose. Luckily Glen would be there and that comforted Spencer slightly.

    Spencer dressed in black low waist leather pants with a white leather belt with silver metal nods, she also put on a skin-tight dark purple Harley Davidson leather jacket and a pair of black 4 inches high-heels. If I have a choice I’ll dress simple like a pair of jean and a v-neck polo shirt, damn Rose’ the blonde thought to herself and sigh. On several occasions during her walk, she thought about the chances of getting away if she took Kyla and ran. But she knew they where slim to none.

    Rose had too great an influence in the higher ranks of the vampire, werewolf and demonic community.

    Spencer got to the club and went inside, she felt the usual glare form the bouncer on her back as she entered. She didn’t care. She was to used to it. She walked towards the VIP door when Madison interrupted her.

    “Hey freak! Master told me to tell you to meet him and Glen outside the VIP room. They’ll be there waiting for you.” Madison looked annoyed, no doubt because she had gotten direct orders to tell Spencer this.

    Madison turned and went back to her bar and Spencer felt nauseated, she hadn’t expected this. Normally if she had to go to a dinner with Rose they would have it in Rose’s penthouse. But since they where going to be in the VIP room, she knew what Rose was after. He wanted Spencer to give in to his instincts and play.

    Spencer walked through the door into the hallway that led up to all apartments and down to the cellar floor (or VIP room as it was more commonly known as). In truth none of the names were its true name. It was nothing short of a medieval torture chamber. She reached the stairs and walked down. At the foot of the stairs stood Rose and Glen waiting for her.

    “Good evening my sweet Spencer. I’m so glad you could join us.” He drawled sweetly and embraced Spencer.

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    1. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    2. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

    3. THAT”S RIGHT SPENCER!!! do it for Ashley and Kyla. I hope that Spencer will succeed in this situation that Rose has put her in. I loved the way that you describe the torture that the humans are going through, even though, it is kinda gross. PMS and I just hope Spencer will win this bet!!!!!!!!!

    4. Hey I know you’re working on some other stories, but I would really love to see this one continue. It’s really interesting. I want to see how Spencer deals with the whole blood lust thing. PMS!PS: Photograph was amazing!

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