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    Time Doesn’t Exist. Clocks Exist. – (Chapter: Ch.9: Spencer, Meet Other Spencer)

    After that night things seemed to die down for a few days. The girls were cordial to each other and could even be in the same room without having a panic attack. They never got around to finishing their conversation from the other night, however, and Spencer was definitely missing the brunette’s company. She thought Ashley felt the same, but she couldn’t be sure. That girl was so damn hard to read. One minute Spencer would catch a pair of brown eyes stuck on her from across the dinner table, immediately flickering away when Spencer met their gaze and the next the girl would walk right by her without even so much as a nod of recognition that the blonde existed. She thought things would be easier with a woman, less complicated somehow, but it was turning out to be the complete opposite.

    Spencer had been distracted all day because tonight the boys had made plans for the four of them to check out this club about an hour away. As much as they had been enjoying the country life, there was something about getting drunk and dancing until you feel like passing out that seemed incredibly appealing to them right now.

    Throwing the fourth blouse she had tried on back on the bed, Spencer sighed in frustration.

    What’s up with mirrors in stores? They must be magical, because everything looks amazing when I try it on there and then when I try it on at home – boom! – I look like a lumpy, blonde, uproportional blob.

    Leaning down and shuffling through the pile of clothes she reached the bottom of the stack and pulled out the first shirt she tried on. Slipping it over her arms she looked at herself in the mirror, first pulling her hair up on her head and then letting it fall back down, and with another sigh of reluctance decided to stop fighting the gods of fashion because they obviously did not want her to look good tonight.

    Probably best. Less temptation. Not that I’m tempting or anything…I just…Oh, you know what I mean.

    Brushing a few persistent wrinkles out of her pants, sliding on a pair of casual heels, and running a comb through her hair, Spencer decided this was the best things were going to get and walked out of the room. She immediately flushed with embarrassment seeing her three companions waiting in a small circle by the front door.

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    1. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    2. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    3. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

    4. YOU’RE GOD DAMN RIGHT YOU FOLLOW HER!! GAH! GO SPENCER! RUN LIKE THE WIND! GO GET THE GIRL OF YOUR DREAMS! cmon now! i agree with bannerman. i want more. NOW! pweaaase? its just SO good i cant possibly stop reading nowww :-(

    5. Of course you should follow her. This story is fantastic. I like how both Spencer and Ashley are experiencing these new feelings and how they are figuring everything out together. PMS!

    6. Nice. Great update. And if Spencer doesn’t follow Ashley I will be MAJORLY pissed. :] Please be forewarned of things to come if it doesn’t happened. (I’m not gonna be pissed at you tho, I’ll be pissed at Spencer.) Thx in advance for updating. You ARE going to update, right? Because you had betterrr! :] Love it.

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