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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (7) Abnormally Normal)

    One month later

    “Gabby, I don’t wanna talk about this right now……yea well we’ll just have a meeting on Friday. Ok…bye”

    Just as she hung up Spencer’s bedroom door was pushed open and in walked her current girlfriend.

    “What meeting babe?”

    The blonde looked up, hesitating for a moment as an excuse formed in her head.

    “Oh, just trading some parts with Sean”

    “Oh okay”

    She hated lying to her but telling her not-so-street-wise girlfriend about her ’meetings’ wasn’t really an option. Although, changing the subject is.

    “Come here”

    The racer pulled her girl onto the bed and into a straddling position above her.

    “I missed you”

    “Spence, I only went to get some water…I was gone for like ten minutes”

    She sounded as if she was in disbelief although the shit eating grin on her face was a dead giveaway. She loved when Spencer got all…..needy. It made her that much more adorable.

    “So? I still missed you”

    Spencer then flipped them over. Assuming the position her love just occupied. Pinning her hands at either side of her head, the blonde entwined their fingers and kissed the outline of her jaw before latching onto her neck, fixing her signature into the delicate skin above the girl’s pulse point.

    “You talk to your sister?”

    Was muffled into her neck, barely audible but was comprehended nonetheless.

    “Yea, she wants me to come….come over for spring…for spring break”

    Her breathing was coming in short pants, making speaking a difficult task.

    “Told yah, she’d forgive you”

    “Mmhm… have to come…..she wants to meet you”

    As if the last sentence was Carlin kryptonite, Spencer shot strait up into a sitting position on the girl’s lap and simply replied,


    “Oh come on, it’s New York we’re talking about here. You’ve always wanted to go and it’s not like your meeting my Nazi father that’s gunna give you an interrogation. It’s just my sister; she won’t care as long as you make me happy”

    She cupped the left side of Spencer’s face and turned her so that she could look her in the eyes. Her favorite blue eyes.

    “You make me happy Spence, so fucking happy. So you have nothing to worry about ’because she’s gunna love you Spencer. I love you Spencer.”

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