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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: We got to finish this scene [Chapter 7])

    Next thing I know, I’m on the opposite side of where Ashley is sitting, as she fixes herself up and just like that she all fixed up and you could never tell she was just making out with somebody. She just looks normal, exactly the way she came into the limo, the same beautiful girl.

    “Hello Ladies” Mr. Lynch says while he sticks his head into the limo, he looks at me and crap I think he knows. Yeah, I have never been able to get away with a lie, crap it’s probably like written all over my face right now.

    My name is Spencer Carlin, and yes I have been making out with the brunette beauty sitting right across from me.’

    “You look flushed Spencer” He asks with concern, I guess I should just tell him before he fins out himself or something.

    Mr. Lynch, I am looking flushed because I was making out with Ashley, and yes she’s very sexy’

    Yeah, that sounds pretty easy to say in my head, but then he tells my mom and then more drama ahhh, god, well might as well get it over with.

    “Umm, Mr. Lynch, I…”

    “Wasn’t feeling too good” Ashley blurts out

    “What?” Mr. Lynch and I ask at the same time, he asked a little bit louder so apparently he didn’t hear me ask the same question as him.

    “Yeah, Spencer wasn’t feeling to well” I looked at her so confused, wondering where this came from.

    “I think she got a little car sick” She explained to him. He looked at me and gave me a once over, god I hope he believes her.

    “Are you feeling better Spencer?” He asks and I just nod my head, not trusting my voice, because if I talk, I will probably end up telling him that me and Ashley were in a hot and passionate make out session back here and he totally ruined it. Great now I was mad at Mr. Lynch.

    “Of course she’s feeling better” Ashley butts in once again

    “I took care of her” She gives me one of those 1000 watt smiles that I’ve fallen in love with and I just smile and blush.

    Tim looks at me and just smiles.

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