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    Give Up – (Chapter: Decisions)

    As I’m walking towards my car I hear Johnson’s voice coming from my ear piece. Good job Davies, your in. I sigh and sit the half empty container on the coffee table. Yeah, Davies your so in.



    I walk into my bedroom and close the door before leisurely stretching out on my oversized bed. I only have a few minutes to relax when I hear a steady knock at the door.


    "Who is it?" No one answers but the knocking continues at faster and louder pace. I again ask who is at the door, and still receive no answer. I jump off of my bed and throw the door open. I’m greeted by the lovely Glen and I instantly give him a dirty look.


    "Did you not hear me ask who it was?" He rudely brushes past me and takes a seat on the edge of my bed.


    "I heard you very clearly, I just felt like ticking you off a bit." I take a breath and close my eyes trying to calm myself.


    Calm down, it’s not Glen’s fault that mom and dad gave him all the asshole traits.


    "Okay you ‘ticked’ me off, so what the hell do you want?"


    He kicks off his shoes and crawls backwards up the bed until he is leaning on the headboard.


    "Well I know you went out with the mysterious Ashley last night, so I was curious as to how it went. I know you love to over analyze things so lay it on me sister, I’m all ears." He taps the spot in front of him, indicating he wants me to sit down.


    I roll my eyes knowing that after I ‘over analyze’ my thoughts he’s going to ask me to do something for him in return. I stand at the foot of my bed for a second trying to figure out what he could possibly want in return. I finally decide to sit down on the bed. Glen stares at me waiting for me to ramble on about last night. I shift positions so I’m sitting Indian style and my back is against the wall closest to my bed.


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    1. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    2. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    3. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

    4. Cool. Spencer is going to close a deal… :] Very bad-ass. And I kinda want them both to start thinking of it as a date but i mean what am i going to do? start writing the story myself? nope, that’s what you’re for. you are a professional. and i didn’t realize tha i had that much of an impact. That makes me really excited. Please update soon. :)

    5. It’s hard to imagine Spencer with a gun…but that’s just part of what makes this story so great. It’s so obvious she doesn’t want to be involved in the family business. Spencer and Ashley have some tough decisions ahead of them. PMS!

    6. oooh, i’m seriously into this story! please keep posting lots more! i am ready for some major major drama when miss ashley falls for one spencer and has to decide between her job and spencer. ahh. going to be good! please post more now!!!!!!

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