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    Thursdays – (Chapter: Time Stands Still)




    The gavel boomed inside the brunette with every throb of her head. What had originally been a great day ultimately ended up hitting rock bottom within a few short hours. All hopes and dreams were slowly being stripped away from her. The weight of the world was caving in on the helpless musician, and she was suffocating under the pressure. Now in the late hours, she sat replaying the day’s events.


    The appearance of her mother, bearing that proud, confident smile instantly sent a wave of nausea to the pit of her stomach. With the way she carried herself, the old woman could’ve easily just walked around with the word “victory” stamped to her forehead. Ashley approached her cautiously, and without a word her mother led the brunette into the next room.


    “Darling, I’d like to introduce you to my close friend.” Every word was filled with arrogance and even a drop of venom. “Ashley, this is Judge Harrison. Julie, this is my daughter Ashley.”


    Ashley was at a loss of words. She felt as if she couldn’t move, but she was still able to pull enough of her thoughts together to realize that the other woman was speaking.


    “Christine, you never told me your daughter was so beautiful. She looks just like you.”


    Ashley couldn’t help but cringe at the thought.




    No matter how much medicine she took, it seemed as though her headache would never go away. Putting on a coat, the brunette decided that coffee was her best destination. The cool night air nipped at her face and blew through her long, curly hair. Not many people were out on the street that night as normal, and the distant sounds never made it passed her subconscious. Unfortunately, the walk to her desired caffeine left Ashley with nothing to do but ponder her thoughts, and so previous events once again flooded her mind.


    Her mother pranced around the room as if the hallowed hall was her domain. She was the evil queen and all others bowed to her will. She strutted over to the corner and  stared her daughter straight in the eye, speaking words that could give the musician nightmares.

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    1. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    2. oH MY God, an update! Hahaha. Um Ashley needs to make a motion to change judges, there is an conflict of interest, the motion would be granted. I don’t get it, you can’t contest trust, well you can, but Christine wouldn’t win. Ash is Raife’s real daughter, he was in her life, she’s not a drug addict it, and she is of age, that’s no contest. But its your fic, so I guess. Good update, hope you feel better soon.

    3. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

    4. you’re back!! YAY!!! amazinggg update! fooor sure! ugh. ashleys mom…run her over with a bus. be done with it haha! thats my solution for characters i dont like. i run them over with buses. its quite fun if i do say so myself.

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