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    Lucky Number Seven – (Chapter: 2: Loaded Dice)

    I fucking hate airports, crowds, noise, hell, I hate people. There was only one thing that made it all bearable, one little thing that brought a smile to my face and skip to my step and Christ, was she doing a good job. “Right there baby.” Propping one booted foot onto the toilet’s edge, I spread my legs a little wider, grinning down at the bobbing red curls between them. We all called her Hoover, except to her face. This chick was known far and wide for two things, her unparalleled commitment to customer satisfaction and fucking great tits. Creamy and delicious, they fit perfectly into any sized hands. Reaching behind my head, I gripped the stall’s wall tighter, shoving my other hand into her hair. Taking the hint, Hoover switched to carpet mode, munching like champ. “Fuck!” All coherent thought left my mind as her tongue surrounded my throbbing clit.

    A few moments later, when she finally stood up, I leaned forward burying my panting mouth between those fucking luscious mounds. “Hey, Carlin! Caaarlin? I hate to interrupt this Kodak moment between you and my guys, but don’t you have a plane to catch?” Why talk when you can suck, that’s my motto. Apparently, it wasn’t hers. Placing her hands on my shoulders, Karen pushed me upright, frowning. “You can’t just stand here with your pants around your ankles and your mouth attached to my goddamn tits…plane, remember?” I watch her wiggling back into her uniform and the sight of her trying to stuff those C cups into that purple polyester jumper was driving me insane. After making a show of checking my watch, I hop forward, grinding wetly against her thigh, “Come on, we still got like thirty minutes.” Swatting my bare ass, Karen whined playfully, “Stop it, you’re gonna ruin my skirt!” Grabbing her hips, I turn her towards me, nibbling at her neck, “So, take it off then.”

    * * * * *

    “When am I gonna see you again?” Shrugging, I lace my belt back through my pants, “Not sure, a few weeks maybe.” I smile when she frowns, pouting. Sauntering over, I wrap my arms loosely around her waist, “Hey, I tell you what, I’ll bring you something back.”

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    1. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    2. It’s amazing the way you take these characters and make them seem so dark and different. Like Spencer and the hooker. Also Christine, Ashley and Kyla and their gangs. Good job! PMS!

    3. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

    4. omfg i totally love this!!! my god i love how different the story is.. i LOVE ur spencer hot hot.. lol. Im glad its different. :) keep writing

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