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    Photograph – (Chapter: Repost)

    Photograph: Model part A

    Spencer stepped through the doors of the small coffee house slowly. It belonged to a chain of coffee houses so the comfy intimate feel was long lost, but being a coffee house it still grew a specific crowd. Business men and women and eclectic students from the nearby community college. It had become a habit of her to go to this place after she heard about it around campus. So every day once her photography class was over she would come and order a coffee and read or go over the specifics of an assignment. Though not the youngest person in her class she was hardly straight out of high school. In fact Spencer worked at a lucrative accounting firm. She had graduated from college 4 years ago.

    When Spencer had seen the advertisement of an adult summer class in photography offered by the local community college in the paper she jumped at the chance to take it. She had always had a passion for photography; in fact, it was a hobby of her on her free time though she had never taken courses in the study of it. Her superior was so thrilled that when the work-a-holic Spencer had requested the use of her vacation time she had even offered to grant her more time if needed, just to get Spencer out of the office. Spencer had been touched by her generosity and her caring.

    As Spencer reached the counter she smiled at the attractive brunette working behind it and was graced with a familiar hello and a nod in return. The brunette, who had enthusiastically introduced herself as Ashley the second day Spencer had entered the shop; she had an air of warmth and happiness that surrounded her. She had curly dark brown hair that reminded Spencer of rich, expensive imported chocolate and vibrant chocolate brown eyes. Spencer wouldn’t go as far as calling Ashley her friend, but the word acquaintance she was more than comfortable with.

    Ashley leaned over the counter and asked, “The same as always?”

    Spencer liked a particular Brazilian blend. Stronger and thicker than most coffees not too many people could handle it, none the less, it suited Spencer just fine. However, after two weeks of being filled with great knowledge and having wonderful fun Spencer was met with her first disappointment and she wanted something that she could casually sip while stirring in her malaise.

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    1. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

    2. I am not sure if I have posted before.. I read and post for to many SON stories so I am posting now if I haven’t before… I love this story.. GREAT STORY… PMS!!

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