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    Changes – (Chapter: 7)

    “Does this dress make me look fat?”

    Ashley rubbed her throbbing temples and answered for the fortieth time, “No, the dress doesn’t make you look fat.”
    “Does this dress make me look fat?”

    Ashley rubbed her throbbing temples and answered for the fortieth time, “No, the dress doesn’t make you look fat.”

    Kyla turned in front of the three-way mirror and examined herself again. “Are you sure?”

    Ashley grit her teeth and sighed in annoyance. “No, the DRESS doesn’t make you look fat. Maybe it’s just your big ass that’s making it appear that way.”

    Kyla bent over and looked closely at the mirror. “My ass is not fat!” She squinted. “Is it?”

    “Oh fucking hell!” Ashley shouted, jumping out of the fitting room chair. “Your not fat Ky! The dress doesn’t make you look fat, and no article of clothing you put on would make you look fat. Plus, I’m the one who picked out the dress in the first place! Damn girl. You’re really letting this wedding shit get to your head!”

    Kyla looked embarrassed. “I know, I know. It’s just that Spencer’s not around all that much with school and cheerleading and living with Aiden and the intense lack of female contact has sort of turned me into… uh… turned me into…”

    “A complete and utter nut job?” Ashley finished, grinning.

    Kyla rolled her eyes and threw her veil at Ashley’s head. “Shut up, lesbo.”

    Ashley laughed and tossed it back. “Don’t you ever get out? You know, hang out with Spencer and her friends, go to Grey, have a couple drinks?”

    Kyla fumbled with the zipper on her dress. “No, not really. Spencer’s normally busy with Megan and her friends and I wouldn’t want to bother her , so usually it’s just me and Aiden! You can’t even imagine how many chick flicks I’ve forced him to watch, I’m surprised he hasn’t grown a pair of breasts yet! Do you know how many times I’ve made him watch The Notebook?!”

    Ashley looked shocked. “Haha! Are you serious?” She replied, sifting through a copy of Maxim

    Kyla nodded humourously. “As a heart attack.” She gave up on the zipper and threw her hands down in exasperation.

    Kya pulled on fixed her cleavage and examined herself critically. “It’s not like I want to hang out with only Aiden every night. It’s just that I don’t have many girl friends around here, I mean there is Sarah but I only really see her at work.  I haven’t really had a girl-type friend since you moved back to New York.” She sighed. “I can’t get this god damned zipper up!”

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    1. ugh damn it! i was hoping they’d go find a spot and… ya know. hahaha. another hot sex scene for our two leading ladies! chyeah chyeah! ashley just needs to stop thinking about the sex though. she needs to do something TOTALLY romantic for spencer. then BAM! they can get together. great great update!

    2. I’ve been waiting eagerly for this update. Fantastic job, as usual. I can’t wait to see Kyla’s reaction when she finds out about what Ashley and Spencer have been up to. PMS!

    3. ugh damn it! i was hoping they’d go find a spot and… ya know. hahaha. another hot sex scene for our two leading ladies! chyeah chyeah! ashley just needs to stop thinking about the sex though. she needs to do something TOTALLY romantic for spencer. then BAM! they can get together. great great update!

    4. I’ve been waiting eagerly for this update. Fantastic job, as usual. I can’t wait to see Kyla’s reaction when she finds out about what Ashley and Spencer have been up to. PMS!

    5. Wow i just got catch up on your story. I love it. Ashley and spencer are great with one another. They need to become more then just haveing sex with one another. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

    6. Wow i just got catch up on your story. I love it. Ashley and spencer are great with one another. They need to become more then just haveing sex with one another. Cant wait to see what happens next. PMS

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