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    Soundtrack of Life – (Chapter: Gone)



    Um. Wow. Like…seriously, wow. It happened again. She left me…again.


    “Hey baby. I miss you. Where’ve you been lately?”


    “Aiden…we need to talk…”


    “Ok. What’s up?”


    “We’re through. Dunzo. Over. No longer a couple. Got it? Good. Bye.”



    And that was it. So here I am…sitting in my room listening to this damn N’Sync CD. It’s sad when a boy band can relate to what I’m going through right now.

    I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. I just didn’t think it’d be this soon. I mean, it was only a month! She didn’t even give me a reason. She’d been avoiding me at all costs this week.

    When we got back together I was ecstatic. And she seemed to be too. I knew she still loved me. I mean, she wouldn’t leave Spencer if she didn’t right? So why now, after we just got back together, does she end it? I don’t get it.

    What will I do, if I can’t be with you? Tell me where will I turn to? Baby who will I be, now that we are apart? Am I still in your heart? Baby why don’t you see, that I need you here with me?

    God damn…why do they have to know EXACTLY what’s going on? What the hell. It’s like…they had a time machine and went to the future and saw what happened. Damn you N’Sync. Damn you for being right.

    I need to see her. At least to get a reason why…and maybe to get her to rethink her decision…psht yeah…like that’ll happen.

    I just can’t believe she’s gone…


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