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    Love’s Game…Wanna Play? – (Chapter: when push comes to shove (6)

    ***Next Day at School***

    Spencer has been thinking all day of what unfolded the previous night. Everytime that she did, she had to smile. Ashley caught her doing it all day, Spencer just blushed and smiled wider. "Thinkin’ about me, again?" Ashley would say when she caught her. Spencer would blush, Ashley would give her a peck on the cheek, all was happy. Well, all except Madison Duarte, she was furious that Ashley had blown her off. All day, Madison had rudely bumped Ashley. By the end of the day, Ashley had enough, Madison bumped her for the last time. "Bitch," coming from Madison accompanied the last shove of the day. Ash spun around and said, "What was that, you jealous whore?" Madison looked hurt for about a nano-second then regained her cheer-bitch composure and came back with, "jealous, of you? I’ve always wanted to be on queer eye. Yeah right." Right then, Ashley spotted Spencer across the courtyard and said "not me, her." All at once she calmed down. All the calmness in the world wouldn’t help the moments to come, Madison turned to see the blonde, looking around (no doubt searching for Ashley). Madison got a devilish grin on her face. She picked the perfect moment and attacked. She forced herself on Ashley and kissed her for a moment, making sure that Spencer saw it. Spencer saw it and rushed over to the scene that was being made and shouted, "What the hell are you doing, Ashley?" Madison finally released her death grip on Ash, knowing she already succeeded at doing what she planned. She took a step back wanting a front row seat at the damage she had caused. This move, however, wasn’t smart due to the anger Spencer had right then. Spencer balled her hand into a fist and pulled her arm back and swung at Madison’s face, connecting with her nose. Madison’s head flew back due to the impact, as well as her body falling to the ground. After watching Madison collapse, Spencer turned her attention to Ashley, who was looking at Madison curled into a fetal ball on the ground. "How could you, Ashley?" Ashley snapped her attention to her girlfriend, surprised almost. She made the mistake of saying nothing so Spencer continued. "Did last night mean nothing to you?" She said a it annoyed. After that point, everything Ashley tried to say blew up in my face.

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