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    Best For Me – (Chapter: The Further Adventures of Mr. Ruffles)

    Once upon a time, in a bedroom far, far away, there lived a little grey elephant called Mr. Ruffles. Mr. Ruffles was one happy elephant. For starters, he had the best family ever. His owner was a lovely little girl called Elly who took him everywhere and told him everything. Whatever adventures they had, they had together. What more could an elephant ask for? But he had more! Much more! Elly had two mommies, Mommy Spencer and Mommy Ashley, who were both really, really nice. Aside from that whole washing machine debacle of July, Mr. Ruffles had pretty much had an easy life up to now.


    And then there was Humphrey. Humphrey had arrived a month ago, brought home by Ashley one day. There had been much glaring between Mr. Ruffles and Humphrey. Mr. Ruffles was an elephant, a very refined elephant at that. And Humphrey was a gnu. In Mr. Ruffles opinion, Humphrey was a gnu with limited intelligence, but he’d turned out to be a loyal and wonderful friend. Sometimes a stupid friend is better anyway. In Mr. Ruffles opinion. So now things were even more wonderful. Which is what brings us to the beginning of our story.


    It was late one evening, when Mr. Ruffles sat staring at the blackboard with a look of consternation across his little face.


    Humphrey ambled up amiably beside him.


    “Whatcha doin?” he asked in his low, rumbly Gnu voice.


    “Shhh” Mr. Ruffles replied, concentrating hard. “I’m trying to figure something out.”


    Humphrey nodded and sat down next to Mr. Ruffles. He tended to take the elephants lead. After all, Mr. Ruffles always seemed to know where to find food or cuddles. An elephant with that much know how had to be the smartest elephant ever!


    After sometime Humphrey felt that enough silence had been had for him to venture a soft question.


    “Uh… Mr. Ruffles, whatcha looking at?”


    “Shh Humphrey, something isn’t right here!”


    Humphrey obligingly shut his gnu mouth and looked where Mr. Ruffles was looking. They were sitting together, side by side, in Elly’s room. The little girl was muffling softly in her sleep, making happy noises that told Humphrey she was content. He had learnt quickly from Mr. Ruffles, upon arriving at the house, that keeping Elly content was the main aim of the game. Humphrey had nodded his understanding to this, not because he understood but because he didn’t want to lose the game. One day he’d actually ventured to ask Mr. Ruffles what game they were playing but the conversation had gotten so confusing that they both agreed to never speak of it again. In true gnu loyalty, Humphrey had never spoken of it again. Although he wasn’t sure what he wasn’t speaking of, ever again…

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    1. hahha aweee, but only a LITTLE spashley? oh well, i love humphrey and mr. ruffles. and it made me so happy to see a new chapter to BFM. like, my heart did a flippy thing. You do this to me!

    2. Holy Hell. I’m pretty sure you’re the only person on the planet capable of making a story about two stuffed animals on an adventure in an alternate reality interesting. And manage to somehow tie in some Spashley lovin’. Haha

    3. clomle….wow. you are simply amazing. thank you for sharing your talent and genious with us. although i do feel like you could have given poor mr. ruffles and humphrey some of those commas you have piled on your desk for their travels. seems like you are being king q and hogging them all! but in all seriousness that was unbelievably great and it gives a mere glimpse into the breadth of your seemingly endless creativity. ok enough out of me…im going to check under the sink for grammerland…someone seems to have stolen all of my capital letters!!

    4. hahha aweee, but only a LITTLE spashley? oh well, i love humphrey and mr. ruffles. and it made me so happy to see a new chapter to BFM. like, my heart did a flippy thing. You do this to me!

    5. Holy Hell. I’m pretty sure you’re the only person on the planet capable of making a story about two stuffed animals on an adventure in an alternate reality interesting. And manage to somehow tie in some Spashley lovin’. Haha

    6. clomle….wow. you are simply amazing. thank you for sharing your talent and genious with us. although i do feel like you could have given poor mr. ruffles and humphrey some of those commas you have piled on your desk for their travels. seems like you are being king q and hogging them all! but in all seriousness that was unbelievably great and it gives a mere glimpse into the breadth of your seemingly endless creativity. ok enough out of me…im going to check under the sink for grammerland…someone seems to have stolen all of my capital letters!!

    7. hahahahahaha omg. ok. that was like…the most random and yet HILARIOUS story ever!! i kinda wished you would’ve gone into more detail as to what ash and spence were busy doin lol but oh well. that was amaaaazing! i am SO amped for the sequal!! omg.

    8. hahahahahaha omg. ok. that was like…the most random and yet HILARIOUS story ever!! i kinda wished you would’ve gone into more detail as to what ash and spence were busy doin lol but oh well. that was amaaaazing! i am SO amped for the sequal!! omg.

    9. dude!!! a sequel to BFM!!!! you would make so many people including me, so freakin happy!!! also, after seeing this post, i’m starting to get the feeling that there’s officially nothing you can’t write. You have like every base covered….toaster manuals, stuffed elephant fairy tales, space fics…..i mean seriously, you’ve covered EVERYTHING! Anyway, i love anything and everything you write, and u would make me the happiest peron in the world if you created yet another ff.thanks.

    10. dude!!! a sequel to BFM!!!! you would make so many people including me, so freakin happy!!! also, after seeing this post, i’m starting to get the feeling that there’s officially nothing you can’t write. You have like every base covered….toaster manuals, stuffed elephant fairy tales, space fics…..i mean seriously, you’ve covered EVERYTHING! Anyway, i love anything and everything you write, and u would make me the happiest peron in the world if you created yet another ff.thanks.

    11. Wow that was a neat update. A sequel to BFM i so cant wait. I really like the trip they took. But the funny part was when ashley said there is someone watching us. That was to funny. PMS

    12. Wow that was a neat update. A sequel to BFM i so cant wait. I really like the trip they took. But the funny part was when ashley said there is someone watching us. That was to funny. PMS

    13. This story had me laughing so hard it was great. The Q King hahahahahaha dont know why but that really struck me funny… oh dash it all now my apostrophes are gone… On a different note…Yeah chicka…ya gotta do a sequeal…well you don’t gotta but it’d make us all very happy… see –> :D

    14. This story had me laughing so hard it was great. The Q King hahahahahaha dont know why but that really struck me funny… oh dash it all now my apostrophes are gone… On a different note…Yeah chicka…ya gotta do a sequeal…well you don’t gotta but it’d make us all very happy… see –> :D

    15. I just started reading…got to the part where Mr. Ruffles is suggesting they journey to Grammarland. I’m not sure I can read more. It is farrrrrr too scarey a journey for me to make. I’m not sure I can do it…don’t make me go there Clomle…why, why oh why have you done this to us…your adoring fan base. UGH…ok…I’ll go back to the story and travel with our heros into Grammerland. BUT I WON’T LIKE IT! Ok, maybe I will…more on that when I finish.

    16. I just started reading…got to the part where Mr. Ruffles is suggesting they journey to Grammarland. I’m not sure I can read more. It is farrrrrr too scarey a journey for me to make. I’m not sure I can do it…don’t make me go there Clomle…why, why oh why have you done this to us…your adoring fan base. UGH…ok…I’ll go back to the story and travel with our heros into Grammerland. BUT I WON’T LIKE IT! Ok, maybe I will…more on that when I finish.

    17. If you don’t already, I seriously hope you look into writing children’s stories someday. This was absolutely brilliant!! I’m still smiling thinking about it :)

    18. If you don’t already, I seriously hope you look into writing children’s stories someday. This was absolutely brilliant!! I’m still smiling thinking about it :)

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