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    28 Days – (Chapter: So sure, we were on something.)

    “Spencer.” It was a half whisper. The tear stained face looked up at her, misery written all over it, and then fell back down, into the huddle that was Spencer Carlin.


    Ashley hesitated. She wasn’t sure whether or not she needed to go and wrap the girl up in a huge hug and never let her go, or just let the poor thing take her time until she spoke. Mind you, the curiosity was burning up inside her.


    ‘What could be wrong? Maybe it’s you again…” Oh, how comforting was THAT thought.


    Eventually Ashley settled for a compromise. She perched herself on the end of the bed next to Spencer and rubbed a hand in circles over the blonde girl’s back in what she hoped was a semi-soothing motion. Then she waited for Spencer to stop sobbing and, hopefully, to start talking.


    It took a little while, but eventually the tears died down a bit and there was a half mumble from Spencer’s arms. Given that’s where her head was buried, it was a reasonable place for a mumble to emanate from but it also made it largely unintelligible.


    “Spencer I can’t hear you,” Ashley said.


    Spencer lifted her head. “I told them.”


    Ashley stared at her, stunned. “What, your family?”


    Spencer nodded.


    Ashley opened her mouth and then closed it. Told them what? Told them about Aiden? Told them about Ashley? Told them she was gay? That she was so gay she was running away to become a tennis player? Told them what?


    ‘You could just ask her…’


    “Uh… I take it, it didn’t go so well…” she ventured.


    She felt lucky that Spencer didn’t roll her eyes back at her.


    “Less than,” the blonde whispered. “I ran out.”


    “Shit” Ashley said. She really couldn’t think of anything to say. Sure she’d expected Spencer to say something to her family eventually. She seemed so keen on “making it right” that it was an obvious step, but not this soon.


    Sighing, the brunette looped an arm around Spencer’s shoulder and pulled her in to a hug. Kissing the top of the blonde mop she whispered. “It’ll be ok.” It was a platitude, Ashley had no idea if it would be ok, but then again, she couldn’t think of anything else to say. Besides, she really, really hoped it would be ok.

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    1. DAMN RIGHT SHE WAS! hahaha aint no way you can resist ashley and ice cream! it just cant be done!! GREAT update. i really want ashley to ask spencer how she keeps getting in the house when ash isnt there cuz that’d be funny lol but anyways. lovely to have you back clomle! your updates were quite missed.

    2. DAMN RIGHT SHE WAS! hahaha aint no way you can resist ashley and ice cream! it just cant be done!! GREAT update. i really want ashley to ask spencer how she keeps getting in the house when ash isnt there cuz that’d be funny lol but anyways. lovely to have you back clomle! your updates were quite missed.

    3. Ok it’s official I’m in love with the voice in Ash’s head…’Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Aiden’s father have a concrete mixer?’ Focus Ashley, focus.Awesome update… we missed you mate :-)

    4. Ok it’s official I’m in love with the voice in Ash’s head…’Maybe have him taken out with a contract? Kneecapped? Concrete shoes? Doesn’t Aiden’s father have a concrete mixer?’ Focus Ashley, focus.Awesome update… we missed you mate :-)

    5. “Spencer was clearly over crying. And Ashley was grateful. She really didn’t know how to deal with teary females. Or teary males. Teary anyone.’Yes, you’re just a bundle of comfort and love aren’t you.” That made me laugh. I love how you express Ashley’s thoughts like this!

    6. “Spencer was clearly over crying. And Ashley was grateful. She really didn’t know how to deal with teary females. Or teary males. Teary anyone.’Yes, you’re just a bundle of comfort and love aren’t you.” That made me laugh. I love how you express Ashley’s thoughts like this!

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