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    Finally On the Ground – (Chapter: Aida)

    The outside air had a new crispness to it as Spencer made her way out onto the cathedral steps. She nodded to the guards, who recognized her instantly, and nodded back with respect. From the bottom step she could see the entire square in the hovering half moonlight. There was no one else around.


    Had she disappeared?


    Then the corner of her eye saw the slightest bit of movement in the cathedral gardens. Skirting around the corner of the building she followed the path into the gardens until she came across a now semi-familiar figure sitting on a bench by the lake. It grinned at her.


    “What are you doing?” Spencer hissed, but she couldn’t muster the right amount of indignation in her voice. “What are you doing here?” Ok, two stupid questions in a row. This must be some kind of record for her.


    The brunette shrugged her jacketed shoulders. “A job.”


    “Well clearly not a legal one!” Spencer glared at the girl. “I should tell the guards.”


    She thought it would get more of a response than another grin. And the grins shouldn’t have been having this effect on her. They shouldn’t have been making her want to send goofy smiles back in the other girl’s direction. They shouldn’t have been making her heart speed up a beat. Dammit.


    “If you were going to get someone cutie, then you already would have.” The brunette pointed out calmly. “Clearly you’re not going to.”


    “Don’t call me that” Spencer said crossly.




    “Cutie!” Spencer spat, wrinkling her forehead. She felt the nickname bordered on flirting, and besides, it made her sound like a five year old. Of course, if she’d known how much her petulant pout was currently making her look like a five year old, she might not have objected so strongly.


    “Well what else can I call you,” there was that spine tingling grin again. “I don’t know your name.”


    “And you’re not going to!” Spencer replied. “I don’t associate with criminals. You need to leave here now before I find someone to escort you off the premises.”


    “Fine.” Suddenly the brunette was no longer sweet, laughing and all smiles. There was a hardened steel edge to the single word that made Spencer hyper-aware of her surroundings. This girl wasn’t to be messed with. “Sorry to have disturbed your lovely evening,” the sarcasm dripped from every nuance of the sentence.

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    1. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    2. ok, so i went out and decided to rent firefly so that I could understand this a bit more – and can i just say that firefly’s got nothing on you! Your writing is so much better! yay you! please keep posting. i can’t wait to read the next one!

    3. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

    4. This is the third amd last time I’m commenting on your stories today! (ok ok I’m afraid it’s making me look a little stalkerish) But anyway this fic is freakin’ awesome man… love in outerspace… AND feisty CAPTAIN Ashley… WoW

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