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    Give Up – (Chapter: Tears)

    "If you run into any trouble along the way don’t hesitate to call." I nod my head and open the door. I step outside of his office and poke my head back into the room. "Hey, do you by any chance know how Gunn was killed?" "Yes, he was shot with a small ‘handgun’." I give him one final smile before walking out of his office and down to my car. Your finally off the leash Davies


    Three weeks later


    "It’s two-hundred and fifty thousand, count it if you’d like."


    I look over towards my father who grabs the black bag sitting in the middle of the table. He quickly zips it close and stands up. He looks first at me and then the man motioning for me to follow his lead and stand. He nods his head towards me.


    "No, I’m not going to count it because I trust that you know what’ll happen if all my money isn’t here."


    I smile at the man across the table and walk over to the gray double doors pulling them open and stepping outside. I stroll over to the two black SUV’s. I stand in the middle of the SUV’s and tap on the windows. Backing up slightly to give the people inside room to step out.


    A few moments later six men are standing in front of me; including Glen, Aiden and four of my fathers most trusted men.


    "It’s good, grab the bags."


    They all nod their heads and walk to the back of the SUV’s. I watch them open the trunks and each of the men grab two navy blue gym bags and walk in the direction of the building. I lean back against the SUV closest to me and wait for the boys to reappear. Less than a minute later the doors open and the six men step out with Glen leading them.


    Glen reaches the SUV first and grabs the final two bags. He hands one to be and turns facing the other men.


    "Get back in the car, we’re almost done here." Without hesitation they climb back in the vehicles and Glen and I head back to the building. We step inside the building and I walk around my father and place the bag next to the rest. He grabs for one of the bags and slams it on the table in front of him. Unzipping it and pulling out a handful of baggies filled with a powdery white substance. He drops all but one of the baggies back into the bag.

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    1. Man, I feel bad for Spencer because she really didn’t have a choose in becoming part of this life. I guess I have to let go of my innocent Spencer because apparently she isn’t so innocent. I feel kind of scared for what is going to happen to Ashley if Arthur finds out who she is. Who knows what he would do to her? Another fantastic update! Looking forward to your next one.

    2. awww poor spencer!! but what she doesnt know…ash already knows! she doesnt look at her with disgust. not at all. cuz the girls in l.o.v.e.! with that hot ass gun toting, person killing, leash carrying, drug princess. haha. great update!! excellent way to delve deeper into the darkness that is spencer.

    3. ok, first of all…get spencer out of that business now!!!! i can’t deal with her being there…and i still don’t think that spencer is a murderer. it had to be self defense. see – she was crying..she isn’t a malicious person! ooooh, and i’m scared for ashley. her dad said that the next person from the feds is going to get it BAD…no. not ashley! make them run away together or something. please. ok, enough of that. i can’t wait for your next post!

    4. Gah. Oh man, just let me apologize for not commenting your last post. It was great, just as this one was. Poor Spencer. If only she knew, then things might not be so bad. or they might be worse. Depends on how you look at it. I want Spencer to find her conscience and stop getting involved. They amy be her family, but that doesn’t mean she has to be like them. You get me so involved with your story. You have no idea. I’m completely captured by it. Update soon. Please, for pete’s sake, update soon. I love your story. I’ll be waiting here for an update. :] You’re awesome. And I think we need more Spashley interaction, don’t ya think? Not nessacarily them having hot minkey sex, although that would be cool, but I just want to see/ read them together. Woooot. Love it. PMS.

    5. Man, I feel bad for Spencer because she really didn’t have a choose in becoming part of this life. I guess I have to let go of my innocent Spencer because apparently she isn’t so innocent. I feel kind of scared for what is going to happen to Ashley if Arthur finds out who she is. Who knows what he would do to her? Another fantastic update! Looking forward to your next one.

    6. awww poor spencer!! but what she doesnt know…ash already knows! she doesnt look at her with disgust. not at all. cuz the girls in l.o.v.e.! with that hot ass gun toting, person killing, leash carrying, drug princess. haha. great update!! excellent way to delve deeper into the darkness that is spencer.

    7. ok, first of all…get spencer out of that business now!!!! i can’t deal with her being there…and i still don’t think that spencer is a murderer. it had to be self defense. see – she was crying..she isn’t a malicious person! ooooh, and i’m scared for ashley. her dad said that the next person from the feds is going to get it BAD…no. not ashley! make them run away together or something. please. ok, enough of that. i can’t wait for your next post!

    8. Gah. Oh man, just let me apologize for not commenting your last post. It was great, just as this one was. Poor Spencer. If only she knew, then things might not be so bad. or they might be worse. Depends on how you look at it. I want Spencer to find her conscience and stop getting involved. They amy be her family, but that doesn’t mean she has to be like them. You get me so involved with your story. You have no idea. I’m completely captured by it. Update soon. Please, for pete’s sake, update soon. I love your story. I’ll be waiting here for an update. :] You’re awesome. And I think we need more Spashley interaction, don’t ya think? Not nessacarily them having hot minkey sex, although that would be cool, but I just want to see/ read them together. Woooot. Love it. PMS.

    9. Loved the post again. But now my mind is running wild wondering what Arthur will do when he finds out his daughter is dating a fed. Can’t wait to find out!! PMS!!

    10. Loved the post again. But now my mind is running wild wondering what Arthur will do when he finds out his daughter is dating a fed. Can’t wait to find out!! PMS!!

    11. ugh, shit! I almost forgot to post a comment! I LOVE THIS FIC! and Oh god, Ashley will forgive Spencer for sure, because she’s hot! okie, I had too much sugar today! lol PMS!

    12. ugh, shit! I almost forgot to post a comment! I LOVE THIS FIC! and Oh god, Ashley will forgive Spencer for sure, because she’s hot! okie, I had too much sugar today! lol PMS!

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