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    New Toys and Art

    Spencer and Ashley were so happy to have Chelsea’s studio for the night and Ashley had a plan to make it very special for Spencer.  They finished eating and Ashley stood quickly after Spencer handed her a flower and pulled Spencer up they both laughed and started to dance Ashley was trying so hard to not go to fast but she could feel her stomach doing flips as Spencer ran her hands lightly over Ashley’s side.  Spencer wrapped her arms around Ashley’s neck and Ashley pulled Spencer to her by her waiste.

    "I’m glad we did this."  Spencer whispered as she pulled Ashley lips into a sweet kiss.

    "M…Me too."  Ashley almost choked out she could feel her control slipping.

    After a few more minutes dancing they were both starting to feel a little hot and it wasn’t from the dancing.  Ashley had both her hands in the back of Spencer’s shirt and her fingers were driving the blonde girl crazy as she slid them up and down her naked back.

    Spencer had pulled Ashley’s hair free and was running her fingers through the back of it and her other hand was holding the back of Ashley’s neck as they kissed.  She ran her tongue over Ashley’s lips and it was instantly pulled into Ashley’s mouth.

    Ashley’s control was gone now she pulled Spencer’s tank top up and easily slipped it over her head.  Spencer smiled when she saw the how dark Ashley’s eyes were they were almost black from desire but she was more than happy to let the older girl take the lead tonight.

    Ashley slowly laid down on the cold ground pulling Spencer on top of her she wasn’t sure whether the ground was really as cold as it felt or was it how hot her skin was that made it seem frozen.

    "Holy shit this floor is co……..mmmm babe that feels so good."  Ashley’s complaint died on her lips when Spencer moved her lips right for Ashley’s neck.  She pulled on the bottom of Ashley’s tank top and they both moved to get the material out of the way and within moments the rest of their clothes followed to a pyle on the floor.

    When they laid back down Ashley made sure she was on top after a few minutes of light kisses and a few not so light ones Ashley pulled back to look down at Spencer.

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