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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 2)


    Ashley was not looking forward to this dinner. Why did she have to baby sit some boring, lame cheerbitch? The only excitement was to see who this Paula was that her mom was so excited over. She sat in the car with her arms folded glaring at Christine.

    “C’mon, Ashley hurry up. We are already late!” Christine nagged.


    “Mom, what’s up with you? It’s not like they are going anywhere,” Ashley reasoned.


    Christine shook her head as she opened the door, “Ashley, just this one time, can you do something for me? Paula was really important to me at one time in my life, especially when I needed her to be. One day maybe you will understand that for yourself. Sometimes we ladies need really good friends. So please best behavior.” Although, Ashley and her mother didn’t always have the best relationship, something inside of her wanted to be there for mother at least once in her life. So she agreed, again.


    The restaurant was an Italian specialty in the neighborhood. Christine had selected it because the food was good and the atmosphere was cozy. She wanted her rekindled friendship with Paula to have the best start possible. Paula and Spencer were sitting at a rounded booth in a dimly lit corner of the restaurant. Christine spotted Paula right away, perhaps her frantic waving was a clue.


    “Mom, pleeeeaaaasse….don’t embarrass us… calm down,” Spencer pleaded with tight lips.


    Paula looked at Spencer as if she didn’t care, “Christine, over here!” standing to walk towards her.


    Christine smiled upon seeing Paula. She looked just as she had remembered her. Blonde hair, blue eyes, beautiful face and just a little bit older yet not dressed as conservatively as in their college days.


    “Paula!” Christine screamed as both women ran towards each other embracing in a tight hug.


    Ashley stood behind her mother still not visible to Spencer. Spencer wondered where was this girl who was going to be her L.A. escort. After hugging for what seemed like an eternity, Christine stepped aside to introduce Ashley.

    “Oh my god! Paula you look great. Oh! I almost forgot. This is my daughter, Ashley,” Christine said still in a high pitched voice from her excitement.

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    1. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    2. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    3. I think Spencer should have told Ashley that she was gay too. Then we could have more Spashley. This update was pretty funny. Christine and Paula…very interesting. Looking forward to your next update.

    4. damn. they finishing each others sentences. i was laughing like crazy when christine told ashley to call first before she came home and she was like what for. i love this story. pms

    5. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

    6. It was soooo obvious Christine and Paula were gay. I knew it the whole time. But it was nice to have my suspicions confirmed. :] Update soon please. I’ll be waiting.

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