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    Symptoms of Love – (Chapter: 3)

    Spencer was looking forward to the next day at school. Her mother had been in a constant state of disarray and taking her frustrations out on everyone. Spencer hadn’t even attempted to ask her mother what their argument was about last night. Even though they were close, she could tell that her mother just wasn’t ready yet or may never be. It made going to school this morning much easier. The first day of school was always an interesting time. Spencer took a deep breath as she prepared for her new opportunity. A chance to be however she wanted to be. She didn’t have to worry about the rumors about her sexuality like in Ohio, nor her ex-girlfriend’s constant pleas to get back together. She was free to do as she pleased. The feeling was almost like a weight off her shoulders. No one knew her and no one had any reason to love or hate her, except for one.


    “Oh, hey Ashley.” God, she looks so hot today.


    “Spencer, what’s up?” Ashley smiled not feeling quite so much like herself around Spencer.


    “I like this side of you, Ashley. It’s almost cheerleader happy. What’s got you so happy today?”


    “Ummm…scratch the cheerleader comment…I don’t know…maybe.. finding out that my mom has a secret not so far off from my own after all this time is like icing on the cake for me.”


    “A secret?”


    “Oh c’mon don’t tell me you didn’t notice, Spence.”


    Spencer lied still enjoying her new nickname. She had noticed that something familiar was going on with their moms. “No, no…tell me.”


    Is this girl really that naïve? “The looks. The long hugs. The whispering. The fighting. Our moms were so lovers back in the day.”


    “No way, not my mom. Not Mrs. A Plus Conservative,” Spencer felt funny pretending not to notice.


    “Yes, my mom confessed it to me last night after I dragged it out of her with the help of more wine to ease her pain.”


    “Wow…really.” Even though Spencer suspected something was up, she was still taken back by her mother considering the hard time her mother always gave her about dating more boys, since she wasn’t dating any at all.

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    1. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    2. i love love loved this! woohoo…ashley knows and they have both admitted to themselves that they are into the other…i can’t wait for more! please update soon!

    3. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

    4. I just love this story. There are few stories where Ash and Spencer are already gay. I can’t wait to see how this goes. Update again soon. PLEEASE! hahah

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